Hello, I keep seeing this magical screen, that I cannot find anymore information about. I cannot adjust to celcius, centegrade, that system is just a bunch of numbers that have absolutely no meaning to me whatso ever. 0c to 10000000c= 30F-31F is the same tempature + or - 1F to me, that tempature being I have no clue.
I do not have the desire (been trying for 4months) to want to give a crap what celcius means. I do not want to learn it I do not want to use it. only because here in America Celcius is wortheless and meaningless.
If a company is only willing to use celcius they are a bad company. sorry AMD i love you and all, but its the truth. Celcius is terrible and it sucks. I will gladly have my pc light on fire so I can get out of pc's if this is the case.
Why is it so bad???? I have to be mistaken and wrong.
AMD killed intel and it isnt because intel is soooooo good.
How do i teach my gpu America? I nee
Long story short it has been a long 4 months having no idea what my gpu temp is thank god I got a tripple fan asrock power consumption is sooooo good i dont think these cards can even get hot unless playing cyberpunk