I've been having this issue for a couple of months, where when I try to save an instant replay, it will just say instant replay: off, even tho it is on, and im using the save keybinds? I poked around on google and to my suprise there were numerous people reporting the same bug, on this forum, reddit etc. Even one user said he had reported this bug 10 times and the issue was still never resolved.
Also, ive tried a clean install, ive tried DDU etc. Lmk if you have any suggestions to fix this problem completely, untill AMD fixes this issue.
Instant Replay is on, but off?
ReLive - Inconsistent Instant Replay Function
It'd very much like AMD to fix this issue
PC Specs
Ryzen 5 2600
16gb ram (corsair)
RX 580 8gb
1tb HHD
Humor us, make sure the basic record functionality is working.
Default key binding is ctrl+shift+R.
Relive is apparently a seperate driver feature. If it's not working correctly to begin with, then there's that.
Otherwise make sure you're file save paths are valid.
If you're getting unrecognizable files from relive related recording, the best work around is to allow desktop recording as this seems to fix most issues with relive file playback in general.
AMD Relive is installed and is on.
Also, it only works sometimes but 80-90% of the time, it doesnt. Instead it just says instant replay is off.
I found a fix to this (enable desktop recording), but this isnt how it should be, it should work perfectly fine without me having to turn of desktop recording.
I did a thing that fixed this issue. Settings>General>Recording FPS. Mine was at 30 fps and I changed it to 60 and now the recording works.Hopefully, that works for you too.
Works for me, i just switched from 60 to 30 and back to 60 and it's working... Thank you a LOT!
I've tried everything in this thread, including a complete reinstall and nothing works. Does anyone have a fix??
Maybe I can help, I had this same issue and I fixed it by doing a reset in the software. It doesn't uninstall anything, it just resets all your settings if you're willing to do that. After that I set my record settings like this. If you have any questions just ask!
I hope this helps
1. Open Radeon Software
2. and then go to Settings - Hotkeys
3. and "Disable" Use Hotkeys
these steps worked for me.
I hope this helps
thank you so much for the solution ive been stressing about this for 3 days and staying up late
go to start
search amd
open amd setting
click on gaming
now click on ReLive
turn off ReLive
me too I still have this Problem
amd come on
Try allowing recording desktop. Relive has always had intermittent issues recording games that are running in desktop mode.
I had tried all these solution just not working , Recording Desktop not even recording a sec and Instant Reply says off even it's enabled , changed all settings , 60 FPS and 30 FPS , enable Virtual Res, and disable it , all these not working and still have the same issue
any updates to Fix it ?
Had an issue with it the other day on the new drivers.
Make sure you have a valid directory set for record location for regular relive recording.
I had to restart my pc to get it working again, also did a bios update and uninstalled asus aisuite.
the director folder never changed but i tried to change it so and restart , not working tho
Hey i had this same problem, if you want Instant Replay to work or any other Relive feature you MUST reset the keybinds/shortcuts. After the first Radeon adrenalin update custom keybinds became inactive.
just set the "recording resolution" to 1080p or other resolution, don't set this setting to "in game", I think this is the source of the problem.
This worked for me. Thank you very much for sharing.
I fixed it by going to record and stream settings and resetting all of the recording and media settings
Тhis really helped me and i think it is the main problem for the users
I went to System and did a factory reset and it fixed it for me. Hope that works.
A couple years later... But I found the core reason! If you've tried disabling desktop recording, and changing the audio channel, and still get the "Instant replay off" message, it's because of DRM! Specifically HDPC which blocks recording if you have copyrighted material streaming, like Netflix open. It doesn't even matter if it's playing, even if it's in the background it will block AMD/nvidia etc from recording anything! The GPU manufacturers are apparently legally required to obligate to the standard. (It would be nice if the error messaged indicated this though...)
Solution: Make sure you have no copyrighted material open, doesn't matter if it's paused, in the background or a separate tab. Close it and AMD will record again!
Made an account just to comment on this.
This was my issue lol had Prime video streaming NFL on the other monitor. Got a slick throwing knife kill in cod and wanted to clip it and Instant Replay was on in settings but would say off when I would try to make clips.
Closed the football game tab and went onto another site to watch it 😉 and now I can make clips again.
Didn't have to update, restart, reset, or toggle any settings.
While I know for a fact this can be an issue I think it might be getting false flagged at times which is incredibly frustrating as I'll know when I do it by accident, promptly go close everything then try again to record but still be met with "instant replay: Off" even though it most certainly is not. It leads me to believe that it is either incorrectly at time detecting things or there is another issue going on. Our inability to determine which is rather problematic. I considering this is now been many years it will likely never change which is even more frustrating.