Hi, i know there are many topics similar to this, but the issue i have is a black screen on boot after installing my new Sapphire RX 580 Limited Edition 8GB
My old GPU is RX 290X so i have the latest AMD Crimson installed. I used to have 2 of these at the same time.
My motherboard does not have any on board VGA or display connections, crazy i know! So when i plug the new RX 580 i cannot login to windows to install the new drivers to recognise the card. I plugged the HDMI in but no signal just black screen. Will try DVI and DP tomorrow. I also have not touched the switch i am leaving as is out of the box.
1) What is the best way to install the correct drivers for the RX 580? Should i uninstall Crimson, connect the new card, then let the winds of fury unleash on the installation?
My current set up is
AMD FX - 6350 (plan to upgrade soon)
Gigabyte Motherboard
32 GB ram
Corsair 750W
I know the RC 580 runs on the above.
Any tips would be great, thanks.