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PC Drivers & Software


How to Just Run a Stress Test in Ryzen Master?

Well, I feel silly.  I've run Ryzen Master's Curve Optimizer (Per Core, I don't know if I should have done that or the All Cores run) and applied the result.  After rebooting, I'm sitting here trying to find some way to run the Stress Test that I know Ryzen Master has.  I see nothing like that.  Could someone point out how I just run the stress test on my already applied Curve Optimized system?

6 Replies

And, while I'm embarrassing myself by displaying my ignorance, let me ask a few more silly questions:

1) What do the results of Curve Optimizer mean?  For my 5600x, it said C2 was -22 and all the rest were -27.  -22 and -27 what?  Megaparsecs/mole?  Unicorns/acre?

2) After rebooting my computer again, Ryzen Master doesn't automatically run (I haven't set it to do so).  Does that mean the curve I've set in it is not active?  IOW, does Ryzen Master set the results into the BIOS so they run all the time?  Or is it just temporary while RM runs?

3) If I want to manually put those results into my BIOS, what kind of category am I looking for in there?


I still haven't found how to just run the Ryzen Master stress test, but after looking around a bit more, I've found the answers to my other questions:

1) It looks like those -22 or -27 number are "steps" for the voltage of the CPU cores.  I've found a couple or references stating each "step" is worth 3 to 5 mV.  Apparently, the maximum offset is +-30.

2) Applying the Curve Optimizer results in Ryzen Master applies those offsets in the BIOS.  RM doesn't have to be running.

3) It looks like the results get put into the BIOS in the AMD Overclocking area under Precision Boost Overdrive and then Curve Optimizer.

I also see a lot of commentary that the RM Curve Optimizer results aren't necessarily stable.  People say problem might show up under low/varying loads after several hours.  A lot of people say they've tested their systems manually at those levels and they're not stable.  Yet, RM will give give results that are beyond what they know their system is capable of.

I've been doing my daily activities for about 4 hours today.  And, so far, things have been fine.  So, maybe I'm lucky and those RM numbers are actually good.  Time will tell.


Would that be the 'Apply & Test' button in Basic view mode ?


My PC- Ryzen 5 5600x, B550 aorus pro ac, Hyper 212 black, 2 x 16gb F4-3600c16dgtzn kit, NM790 2TB, Nitro+RX6900XT, RM850, Win.10 Pro., LC27G55T.

The problem is that I've already Applied the profile.  So, I don't know what Apply & Test will actually apply.  When I last tried that, it wants to reboot the computer for the Apply (of whatever) to take effect.  I just want to run the test on whatever profile is currently applied.


1) Curve optimiser is offset for curve V/F for CPU, and specifically per core voltage
Curve Optimiser value is multiple of 0.006V step offsets from base curve basically.
Bit deeper explanation: Every CPU have hardware locked Voltage/Frequency curve. Basically CPU requests set amount of power on requred voltage and VRM provides it. But internally CPU distributes power unevenly, as each core have it's own regulator basically. But as they are really close together, voltages around can affect supplied voltage as well. For example let's use raw numbers. You have 4 cores
1 2
3 4

By default they request hardware set amount of voltage on specified frequency, but with Curve Optimiser you can shift amount of voltage they request to be higher or lower. Higher = more stability (up to 100 ofc) but also more heat. Lower = more efficiency and less heat, but at some point you lose stability. 
And they request that amount of voltage (not real numbers)
1.25 1.20
1.30 1.10
But that 4-th core will get just bit more voltage, because everything around it requested more, resulting in something like that
1.25 1.20
1.30 1.15-1.17

This is really simplified, but i wanted to show you that while setting per core offset you must keep in mind, that they affect not only core they relate to, but they can affect other cores as well, just not as significant. 


2) No it doesn't need to start at all. Changes are written through UEFI interface to BIOS.

Ryzen Master isn't very good as stress test. You better use CoreCycler per core test to find good curve. It will take quite a lot of time though to test throughly

Adept III

I would not mess with settings , I use furmark they don't change software to make my hardware look slower for me to logically use another program to prove the hardware is the way way faster and the previous was hardware bias, CPU burner 32 threads run the program twice and watch 4k video my all at the server time R5 3600 is all done and I even put it in my mouth socket , perfect sphere is virtual .