Yesterday i updated my radeon software, after play some CSGO i immediately being regretfull for update.
in CSGO mostly i play Danger Zone before update everything was fine only when i play JUNGLE map i got occasionally fps drops like everyone but other maps was cool. After update now i got fps drops all in danger zone maps and i cant see in game where is deadly gas i can only see the deadly gas when im in the gas. Something happened after update i dont know what happened but first time im regretfull haveing amd graffic card i hope you guys can help me uninstall new version and download old version thanks for now.
When you installed the GPU driver, Windows created a Restore Point so that you could roll back your PC.
Just type Restore Point into Windows search bar and click on the System Restore button.
or way easier just use the amd unistal toll
Download DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) after the program erases the AMD Software it will restart the pc and you can install a older version of Radeon Adrenaline Software, i had the same issue after the big 2020 update i had alot of problems ingames, even my pc just freezed twice so i needed to force shutdown my pc.
i also used the DDU Software and installed an older version of the drivers and all my problems have solved!
Hopefully the OP saved his old 2019 driver because it's no longer listed on the AMD support page (or is it? and if so, where?)
Also, the OP asked a very basic question so I gave a very basic answer.
Here's an indepth answer...
DDU Guide / Tutorial | Wagnardsoft
Before you start this process you should download the GPU driver and DDU ahead of time and put them on your desktop.
If you need an older driver while you wait you can find them here...
The Link of the older driver
Thanks for all answers Before seening answers i deleted windows 10 from my computer and dowloaded again now i have raw radeon program i will not dowload auto-detect program or update my version. I will try to use like this because after finishing format i play csgo my fps back to normal and in danger zone i can see the deadly gas like before
everything back to nomal it was adrenalin 2020's fault i will not use it
Everything was perfect with this radeon program and with Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.11.1 Optional version driver adrenalin 2020 and lastest version sucks
Give it time this whas a major update (2020 software).
Maybe in a few weeks to a month they have it finally stable!. Just a matter of time it happend before
One way to another one day you gonna need to upgrade to the newer version of the software, give it time they will get it stable
Hi, want to revert to 19.11.3, but every time I try by clicking on the Setup.exe, the software keeps forcing me to download the 19.12.2.
Here You go! The release notes and at the bottom of the page you find the download link
And if you wanna revert you need DDU (Display Driver Unistaller) cause the currently installed driver version needs to be completely wiped from the pc. Or its not possible to revert the driver to a older version.
PS: Dont use Windows Delete Program in the configuration center to delete the driver version its not effective... Believe me been there done that! XD