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PC Drivers & Software

gpu stuck at 500Mhz Clock and 150 Mhz Mem

So yesterday I was trying to play Fortnite and my game which normally runs at 80 FPS is 19(!) -20 FPS in game

Thought maybe it's because of update that came out same day but when I tried FIFA 18 and GTAV all had same issue - extremely low FPS

I've tried to unistall my GPU drivers with DDU and install new ones - it helped yesterday ,thought problem is over but when I tried to play today problem came back :/

Then after running Afterburner I've noticed my GPU clock is stuck on 500Mhz and Mem clock on 150 Mhz even though in settings they are at 1020 and 1500 Mhz

12 Replies


First Post your Computer specs as per kingfish previous Post.

Second without knowing anything about your computer, whether it is a Laptop or a Desktop, you need to uninstall MSI Afterburner after you reset everything back to "Default" on you GPU card.

If this is a DESKTOP and not a LAPTOP, Then Activate Wattman to configure your GPU card. If it is a LAPTOP, You can't use Wattman which is not available for Laptop Users. Laptops aren't meant to be Over or Under clocked due to Power and Heat issues.

CPU: i5 2500k

GPU: R9 280x

memory : 8 ddr3 Corsair

PSU: XFX Pro 550 W

Mobo: Asrock p67 pro3

I think Wattman is not available on this GPU


Yes it is available.

After you have deleted Afterburner (not disabled):

Windows 10?

Follow this guide to install the latest driver for your card (if Win10) Clean Install AMD Graphics Drivers


Always install the full version, never the 'minimal setup'.


This link from AMD shows your where and how to Activate Wattman from Radeon Settings and how to configure it. : How to Tune GPU Performance Using Radeon Wattman and Radeon Chill .

kingfish can instruct you on how best to configure Wattman for your GPU.


I also noted that you have a 550 Watt PSU for your computer system with the R9-280X. According to this Website: PSU REQUIREMENTS - RealHardTechX  your system is Underpowered. You should have a minimum PSU Wattage of at least 600 Watts for Total System Power.

Do you have all the PSU Power connectors connected to the GPU Card?  Seems like your GPU card has a 6 pin and 8 pin power connectors. Is this the case for your GPU card.?

Possibly under heavy load you may encounter problems related to Power from the PSU.


wel lthis site is wrong

my setupo under load is not getting even 400W  -all theses sites are giving wrong data -maybe they want people to buy more expensive PSU's


I suspect  getting PSU related to why its fluctuating probly at max loading over volting or under volting. I suggest be an idea to suggest in a 650W+ bronze+ rated PSU as a first port of call reload fresh AMD drivers wipe all traces of any 3rd party crapware & try again.  Could be a simple case of PSU starting to give up as its working to hard  its why when you install PSUs i give a buffer of over 100W leeway buffer going over on requirements to allow for the quality coming out of the factories as the quality is crap these days & I replace on a 2-3 year cycle as PSU degrade so fast even the good brands so i play it safe & replace them more regularly as they are the heart of your build, if volts or watts fluctuate can do more damage than good if its way to under powered taking out the whole build.


me mentioning problem being temporrarly solved by reinstalling drivers would clearly suggest it's software problem not hardware

and it was - I've installed old drivres from 2017 and problem was solved -this time for good I hope

550W bronze PSU that i have is perfectly enough for this setup


nope that site isnt i been threw 5 diffrent calculators & showing simular results that 1 estatic uses is the most accurate. I go between 5-6 diffrent calculators all the time to validate my results. I use multipul calculators to gain the best average then buy according to suit usually 100w above for load fluctuations quality & run time if running constant 24\7 of shut down starts ups depending which does as much damage as running 24\7.  Ibuild Desktops regularly & repair a lot a lot of driver issues can come down to under sized PSUs not putting out the correct wattage amps under load conditions & extreme max load which can occur. Elstaci is right with his PSU calculations you want me to be a pain & do a variation of all the calculators I use & average them out to prove a point I can but I wont. The way I was taught & go with from IT  techs & m8s who taught me you cant go wrong using as many calculators as possible as theres always variables take in account age of hardware to. To average the results gives a good clear cut result of what you should be running. Your 500w bronze you think is suitable can use it but if you run into problems & you will later in time trust me it happens more so than you think. We are giving advise of what we know what we have seen & behaiviours of drivers to suit diffrent hardware combos a PSU is the heart of your build dont skimp on it i mean it as if it goes bang 9\10 it takes the whole lot, I been fortunate my last PSU that failed I caught in time but i check them all the time the quality between good PSUs to the crap brands is marginal these days that's why I over size now as the quality is crap as so mass produced.

these online calculators are based off of manufacturers claims that are always exagarated. If you really are building PC for people using theses sites you should rather buy voltmeter,ammeter and stuff like that and mesure it yourself

my build is not getting even 400W on load -with OC cpu maybe 450

like I said this was NOT Psu problem but driver problem


The calculators I use are manufactorers calculators actually designed by electrical engineers for computer components independent calcualtors & I use a mix of brand calculators to get a proper average in results so I kinow when I am Buying a PSU I am buying over my calculated needs with at least minimum 100w buffer to play with. I buy with common sense & proper science behind it plenty of accurate calculators I use indapentant calculators for a reason to get the most accurate result for when i calculate my averages can get the most accurate gauge. I dont go of 1 calculator as you seem to I go with 5 calcuator to 10 with an average best way for the best result never let me down yet, been a way I was taught by IT pros & a way I stick with. Seems extreme but I havnt gone wrong yet & you know you got a decent buffer for the quality coming out of most factories which is sub par from years ago.