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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

GeForce experience vs AMD Radeon Software

Снимок экрана (4).pngI apologize in advance for the translation. I would like to know if these programs conflict with each other? How to update drivers if GeForce has to be removed?
(Хотелось бы  узнать, конфликтуют ли эти программы между собой? Как обновлять драйвера если GeForce придётся удалить?)

3 Replies

RE: . I would like to know if these programs conflict with each other? 
No not really.

Some hotkeys conflict.
Youo can change them in GeForce Experience.

Both use ALT+Z for example.
You should not have to remove the GeForce card.
But if you want to remove all drivers, use DDU from

Thank you very much


No problem.
If you do get a situation where you do not need both GPU running and one GPU does somehow affect the performance / stability of the other GPU:
Make sure the GPU you want to run is set to power the main display device in Windows Control Panel. 
Open Windows Device Manager, disable either the Nvidia or the AMD GPU that is causing any problem.
Reboot. the PC.

If the Nvidia or AMD GPU is disabled then Nvidia Control Panel/GeForce Experience or AMD Radeon Settings should not run.
