I have been getting frequent almost daily, and in some cases multiple times per day, crashes while browsing in google chrome. It always happens within the first half hour to an hour of having my pc turned on, and starts with the page freezing, then the whole screens, then a black screen, before coming back and opening the error reporting tool. It started about a month ago, and I was hopeful that the latest driver update would fix it, but it has continued, and happened at least 3 times just today.
my specs are
Radeon RX570 series 8gb
Intel I-5 3.7ghz
16gb ram
I presume you are running with more than one monitor?
Unfortunately Radeon cannot handle running with more than one monitor without crashing.
Yeah, I have dual monitors, have done since I built this system mid last year. The crashes only started within the last month.
try with one monitor, preferably hdmi, then it should work
That isn't really a solution, as I stated I had no issues with my setup until about a month ago. Plus I want the dual monitors, I've had them for over 4 years, with my previous graphics card being an AMD card as well. I currently use one HDMI and one DVI connection since my second monitor only has DVI and VGA inputs.