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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Drivers Timeout on certain games

I have a 5700 XT and a 550w PSU. Whenever i try to launch games like Rainbow Six Siege, Baldurs Gate 3 and CS2 my game crashes and my gpu gets disconnected.Other games like Minecraft work fine. I get an error saying my amd drivers experienced a timeout. I have deleted and redownloaded the games and the drivers multiple times. I have no clue what is causing this.

2 Replies
Adept II

driver version? 

Journeyman III

This is probably DX issue, try this:
Go to CS2 normally, practise -> unlimited warmup + unlimited ammo from left corner -> choose whatever map and throw a lot of smokes

If the driver crashes, then do this:
In steam, open CS2 properties and add a launch command "-vulkan", then repeat the progress above and see if the drivers crash or not.

If the drivers wont crash, then its a DX related issue, you can force Vulkan in Baldurs Gate 3 as well, same for Rainbow Six Siege I think.

Not a best fix, but at least keeps you playing.