The Specs on my PC are...
8GB (4GBx2) (11-11-11-29 @ DDR3-1600)
RamosTek EWB4GB681PAE-16IC
It has a storage of 1TB Toshiba DT01ACA100 (7200RPM)
So my problem is that when I load into Destiny 2 its fine for like 20min but no matter what I do, even if I'm doing nothing be it, PVE (Player vs Everyone) or PVP (Player vs Player) it still crashes after 20min EVERYTIME. I bought this game a week ago and it was fine but now a week later it just crashes a lot. Also when I play other games they NEVER EVER crash, Destiny 2 is the first game since I bought this PC to crash so much, as of writing this while playing other games I got 0 crashes and TODAY ALONE Destiny 2 crashed 20 time no joke I counted them. I cant even do the raids cause of this problem and the error I get in-game is called broccoli which is a problem with the drivers but my drivers are up to date. If someone could help it would be GREATLY appreciated.
Try downloading the latest driver version "18.5.2" and see if that fixes your problem.
First off I just wanna thanks for answering when you didn't have to and I just installed the latest version like 10 min ago cause I wasn't home for a day and I had real hard time but now Im gonna play Destiny 2 to see if it crashes anymore and I'll keep you updated
by any chance you have the latest Destiny 2 patch installed 1.2.11? .
Since Destiny 2 is the only game crashing, it most likely has to do with the game and probably the latest Windows Updates. I would go to Bungie Forum and see if anyone else is having a similar problem with Destiny 2 lately.
how do you check what version you have????
So today I have crashed 2 times which is WAY better than crashing like 10 times but I was wondering if Its something with overclocking or underclocking. I really don’t know much about computers so if someone answers plz leave a VERY detailed explanation. This computer even though it’s not the best I feel like it’s good enough that it shouldn’t crash this much.
If you are using a 3rd party software similar to MSI Afterburner, set everything back to "Default" and uninstall it. Then activate and use AMD Wattman strictly to Over/Underclock or control the fans of your AMD GPU card.
kingfish or someone else knowledgeable about configuring Wattman can instruct you.
AMD came out if a new AMD Driver on 06/06/2018. Install it and see if your game crashes less. Otherwise try using Wattman to configure your RX 4xx series GPU Card.
Are you crashing to desktop, or to the director.
Have you checked card temp(good indication is fans continually running at max speed).
Have you read/tried any 'destiny 2 graphics performance tweak guides', there are a few settings that can be lowered to take the load off the card(light shafts (a.k.a. godrays), shadows, chromatic aberration , film grain, fps cap, etc) without too much/little affect on graphics quality.
As for the new driver date Why was 18.5.2 Re-uploaded?
It's old, but ....AMD graphics performance
I second that. Max that power limit slider.
Open your Destiny2 folder Right Click on the the main exe launcher, check to see if Restricted Applications and Allow All Applications and Users Desktops have Full ACL Control
Click Compatibility TAB, check box Run as Admin Click DPI Scaling SET to Applications DPI( First box on the list, don't use the Enhanced Overide its new and unknown)
Next Click Security Tab
Click Advanced Ownership , reset ownership back to Adminstartors <<< with a S, 1803 has defaulted and lokcked the Admin singular account
, do this for every .exe in the Top Game folder, should just be about two or three of them, clikc OK to save close FolderExplorer.exe, grant Full admin to Folder Explorer if you like but it is set to TrustedInstaller
scroll down to WMI Windows Management Instrumentation, DoubleClick it set to Automatic Default if its set to Manual and Restart that service
Open Game and Radeon. Enjoy your new game bud
I now discovered two more permissions that need to be added, i left Restricted off the list, if it s not there it shouldnt enforce (imo) , so which would be also add new INTERACTIVE and Creator Owner . Broccoli could be looking for interactive found in alot of the drivers .
In worse case scenario you can use my old way which was Open File Explore-<Click Desktop found under Quick Access , unless you unpinned all those , then its under This PC/desktop-<
Double check that only 3 permission lists are set, and add the 5 new permissions to that folde press OK to save changes, down and Save_As all new applications needing to be reinstalled to your new special folder
Set permissions to the applications, people have tried this and FAILED.... because next Open Task Manager ( while the application_installer is running , EXPAND
and set all 7 new permissions/add them through task manager BEFORE clicking install, also set there DPI and check every run as admin box you see in Task Manager.
You should never have another problem out of any application / or driver installed this way. Also the new 1803 Firewall permission including outbound/inbound are backwards, the in's are going out and the out's are goin in thought i would hint to Firewall needing attention and almost always correcting <<
Defender to , take its permissions, and FLIP them to default system <<
Reboot Enjoy