Hello. Sorry for the my little English. I have random FPS drops in the game. Through 2070 no-super I have any problems. I'm very dissapointed. My frame rate can drop even at 40fps. The game become jsut unplayable. My RX5700 didn't load above 50-70%. For comparison I freely playing RE2 Remake on ultra settings with 60fps.
Attached DxDiag.
They should make a possibility directly report from Radeon Software game's page.
UPD: 11.01.2020
Updated drivers to 20.1.1. It doesn't help. Sadly. I decided to test one the most freezed location in the game where I have fps drops at 40 on rtx2070.
RTX2070 GPU load was around 40%-45%. Occasionaly I can have dropы to 57fps or even below but realy rarely. Most of time I have stable 60-61 fps.
My RX5700XT GPU laod jumping like crazy from 30% to 70% gpu laod. Even if I will just stand on place and I will looking at one point.
Yes. I guess I know it but it's still annoying because on 2070 for first 5 min I didn't notice any fps drops or something. I really didn't play too long on rtx2070 but a location was the same in the game. May be rtx2070 has problems with fps, too, but first impression was very strong about difference berween graphic cards.
It's only if I understand you right. Devs from Darksiders lll optimized their game only for nvidia cards. Oh it's really sucks. I guess here you are right. Very sadly.
Thanks. I will check it. It's really strange. I have already checked a couple times for the latest updates inside Radeon Software and it tolds me nothing about new updates. X-x How does it work? May be I something missunderstand. Here the screenshot:
Oh. I figured out. By default Radeon Software checked only for recommended updates or around it. I set it to check for additional drivers, too. And it's working now I can downlaod the latest driver automatically.