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PC Drivers & Software


crimson 18.7.1 remarks.

After several clean installs of latest windows 10 (spring creators update on a fully firmware patched Z77 system, including latest spectre patches) combined with VEGA 64 XTX and crimson 18.7.1 gives a NON CONSISTANT RESUL.T.

The one time, the amd Pci bus driver gets installed and the other time it does not. Totally random it appears , when nothing else on the system changes.

But no matter if this pci bus driver gets installed or not. Clockspeeds tend to stay stuck most of the time after playing any game or watching any video. I have to use crimsons Factory reset to get clocks back to normal idle….

So it appears to me AMD still does not know how to make a decent driver.   Also that may be the reason why Micorsoft only shoves the older crimson driver standard which does not support WDDM 2.4 as required or available with latest win 10 but they only install the wddm 2.2 driver. Not designed with latest win 10 in mind even. That part is Microsofts doing , but all the rest comes down to AMD amateurism.

4 Replies

Oh, and they still havent fixed the "##ID_StringXX##"  starmenu item in non english configured windows 10 installs.



"Shame on you" doesn't get the job done. You and anybody with the identical issue must report/tell AMD about it. Don't assume everyone has the problem you are having and don't assume your vote doesn't matter. One or two reports of any issue is rightly put to the bottom of the list...especially if it can't be duplicated..

Report your issues and encourage anyone else with the same issue to do likewise. Ranting on a user-to-user forum is a waste of time.

AMD Issue Reporting Form

Email Form


LOL, what kind of a dimwit fanboy are you really ?

You think people don't know to report or haven't done so without any result from AMD?

On the other hand they do have time to build in that spyware into their latest driver....

just no time to fix a simple menu problem…

Priorities , sure, but where do they lie at AMD.


Stop trolling/shitposting, go do something else.

You clearly have no idea how this works.