I had responded in a related thread, but here is the update. I went back and forth between 19.1.1, 18.12.2, and 18.11.2. Right now I'm stable without lag with 19.1.1 with all the side apps installed, but not enabled and this seems to be the catch. Before, with the other versions installed using Relive and Eyefinity only caused problems (for my monitor setup) and now it seems these apps are interconnected, but you don't have to enable them. I will continue to case study this it seems with every update I have to do a clean install several times for the some settings to change. I haven't gone back with older drivers and tried to config the side apps, but I imagine they went back and changed some things there which is why my monitor wasn't being recognized by my card correctly as of the new release and why 18.12.2 keeps showing up as new update. Going to roll with the 19.1.1 until I figure out why my computer is taking 3x longer to boot since this and a windows update, so I'm going to look at some other things there. Good luck.