Hello fellows
I am sorry to post another black screen related topic but I am simply out of options and need some help.
My 6900xt was working smoothly for month until out of nowhere I got a black screen. The OS and audio were fine, I was able to talk in discord and liten to my music on spotify. After rebooting i was not able to see the windows opening screen. Instead of that my system goes black again while Windows seems to be fine (I can enter my password and use Alt+F4 and ENTER to shut down my computer). If I enter in save mode, everything is fine. I was able to uninstall my GPU driver but everytime i reinstall the driver (or an older one) the black screen issue comes back.
This is where i started to search for solutions online. I tried already the following:
- using DDU to completely remove the old drivers and installing the new one in save mode
- installing older versions of the driver
- istead of "full install" i tried the "minimal install" and "Drivers only", i also used the Windows device manager to install the drivers on my own
- a BIOS update
- a complete Windows reset while personally installing all the newest drivers for all my hardware
- I even switched to Linux Ubuntu but there the same problem occured when I installed the AMD GPU driver
- I changed the monitor and my DP cable to HDMI or vice versa
In two posts regarding this issue there was the suggestion to do the following: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-performance/error-event-id-10016-distri...
But this I simply dont understand why i should do this and this is kinda above my level of understanding my Computer.
I really hope someone can help me out!
Here comes the list of my specs:
GPU: AMD 6900xt XFX Black 319 - https://www.xfxforce.com/shop/xfx-speedster-merc-319-amd-radeon-tm-rx-6900-xt-black-gaming-graphics-...
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X Prozessor, 4GHz AM4 - https://www.amd.com/de/products/cpu/amd-ryzen-7-3700x
Motherboard: ASUS TUF Gaming X570-Plus Mainboard - https://www.asus.com/de/Motherboards-Components/Motherboards/All-series/TUF-GAMING-X570-PLUS/
PSU: Corsair HX850 - https://www.corsair.com/de/de/Kategorien/Produkte/Netzger%C3%A4te/hxi-series-2017-config/p/CP-902013...
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x8 GB DDR4 3200 MHz C16 XMP 2,0 - https://www.corsair.com/de/de/Kategorien/Produkte/Arbeitsspeicher/VENGEANCE-LPX/p/CMK16GX4M2B3200C16
Solved! Go to Solution.
Long story short:
Nothing seemed to help thus I had to give my AMD GPU back. My System now runs on a RTX and everything is working smoothly again.
Sad story... The XFX 319 was probably the most beautiful GPU I had in my life. Maybe the drives will be more stable in some years. I am not sure if i will come back to AMD GPUs again.
Stay tuned and good luck to everyone.
don't use 21.6.2 they're bugged as hell.
I tried several older versions. All lead to the same problem.
To be honest I have this problem for weeks now.
I start to think about selling or giving my gpu back and get one from Nvidia. Even though I love my 6900xt. It is so sad that this is just caused by driver issues.
Which version is the most stable one in your opinion? Would like to try it again with your suggestion.
Hello Appa117,
Install the last Windows Certified one: Adrenalin 21.5.2 Recommended (WHQL) they are stable.
Be sure to uninstall the previous one using the AMD Cleanup Utility you will find in the support section.
Hope this work for you, it worked for me 3 days ago 🙂
Thanks for your reply.
I tired the versoin you suggested and older ones more than once. Sadly this was not ipmroving my situation.
Are you sure it's not a monitor issue ?
Once again an AMD Clean Up pass in safe mode plus installing an older WHQL driver from 2020 should work.
Good Luck !
Nice thought! I already tried to install my specific deisplay drivers. Nothing changed.
To remove the display as a source of error i tried another monitor and other cables (from HDMI to DP or the other way around). Decreasing the resolution was another idea by mysefl but this was not improving my situation either.
Any other thought?
Hello. I am in the same boat. I have tried multiple computers and drivers. As soon as I install the AMD drivers it starts acting up. If I remove the drivers and the driver says "Microsoft generic display driver" it works fine. I have tried all AMD drivers, used DDU, tuned fan control etc to no avail. I am going to RMA at this point. Funny I gave AMD a try after years of avoiding them due to terrible drivers and this happens. Never again will I purchase AMD. I am 100% sure it is the drivers at the point. My 3080 had no issues what so ever in the exact same desktop.
Ich habe das Problem seit November 2020 wie beschrieben mit meinem neuen PC: X399 Gigabyte Aorus Pro, Threadripper 1900X, RX 5700 Xt Aorus, 16 GB Aorus Arbeitsspeicher, Gigabyte Aorus P750W, HP w2207h Bildschirm 1680:1050 mit 60Hz. Ich habe viel ausprobiert, aber nichts hat auf Dauer genützt. Jetzt habe ich eine Lösung gefunden: Radeon Adrenalin nur Treiber (Minimalinstallation unter Optionen) installieren, MSI Grafikkartentool Afterburner benutzen und schon hören die ständigen unregelmäßigen Abstürze der Vergangenheit an. Ein Problem bei DX 12 ist die Shaderoptimierung, bei Horizon vor dem Gamestart laufen lassen, dauert aber min. 10-12 Min. Die Optimierung wird beim Beenden nicht gespeichert. Sonst läuft dieser Vorgang im Gamen, was dann innerhalb dieser Zeit zum Absturz führen kann, hilfreich aktuelle Windows-Updates. Da DX 12 sehr Energie und Ressourcenhungrig ist, sollte man in den Spieleoptionen Grafik die Einstellungen ausprobieren, Ultra vermeiden, alle AMD Features deaktivieren und die FSP dem System anpassen, bei mir max 60 wegen dem Bildschirm. Auch habe ich Grafikkarte in der Leistung angehoben Core Clock auf 2150 und Memory Clock auf 1810, konstante Spannung erzwingen (in Einstellungen) und die Lüftersteuerung so gelassen, läuft bei mir sehr gut so, einfach ausprobieren und googeln was man machen kann. Irgentwie kann Adrenalin nicht konstant die Grafikkarte am laufen halten, der Microsoft Grafiktreiber ist für neue Games nicht geeignet. Mit meiner alten GTX 970 hatte ich fast nie Probleme!
Thx for the suggestion,
Sadly the minimal or driver only installation is also not working on my system. I get the black screen the moment the driver kicks in.
I could install afterburner but don't see how this could help getting a stable driver installation.
My card worked perfectly in the past (had only one or two crashes in game and these were caused by driver issues if we believe the AMD error Message). This black screen issue came just out of nowhere.
It is now some weeks ago so I dont even remember if it was maybe caused by a Windows update or whatever.
Ich habe die Adrenalin 6.1, denn 2 ist optional beta. Heute beim Spielen hatte ich einmal schwarzen Bildschirm, da habe ich die Lüftersteuerung aktiviert, dann lief es ohne Störungen, passiert nur bei Valhalla, Eternal Doom läuft reibungslos. Warum das so ist, weiß ich nicht.
Long story short:
Nothing seemed to help thus I had to give my AMD GPU back. My System now runs on a RTX and everything is working smoothly again.
Sad story... The XFX 319 was probably the most beautiful GPU I had in my life. Maybe the drives will be more stable in some years. I am not sure if i will come back to AMD GPUs again.
Stay tuned and good luck to everyone.
Ich werde wohl auch nicht nochmal auf eine Radeon zurückgreifen, zu viele Probleme. Besser bei Nvidea Experience ist, das die Einstellung der jeweiligen Grafikkarte auch die Grafikeinstellungen der Spiele dem entsprechend anpasst. Was mich nur wundert das beim Starten vieler Games immer mit Ryzen und Radeon geworben wird. Bei meiner jetzigen Anpassung (Nur Radeon Treiber und MSI Grafikkartentool) läuft es fast fehlerfrei beim Wikinger Valhalla Game.
Ich habe nach googeln folgenes verändert: Die Core Clock auf Minimum gestellt, bei RX 5700 XT auf 1050 und schon läuft Valhalla völlig ohne Probleme. Kann man auch in der Adrenalinsoftware machen, ich habe den Afterburner benutzt. Vieleicht probiere ich die Radeonsoftware nochmal aus.
Shutdown your pc , unplug and replug your gpu , this is the only way .
I know this is an old post and I’ll post a dedicated thread to help, but I solved my problem my after trying almost all the things you did (older drivers, various bios changes, swapping cables and monitors, lower resolutions, minimal install, cleaning old drivers, etc.), with one variation. I plugged in multiple video cables. In this case I used an HDMI and DVI-D cable simultaneously. With pretty much no explanation, after a full day of doing everything I could, it just worked. Even though no signal was being utilized out of the DVI-D cable. Maybe AMD likes to see all the digital outputs terminated with cables?
With my new screen, I had the DisplayPort and HDMI connected at the same time. The result was that the PC had to be started several times before I could open Windows. In addition, Windows then recognizes 2 screens and the mouse pointer disappears sideways into nothing, so HDMI is removed and everything is back to normal.
Hello, i have the same RX6900xt model and have the same problem. I sent my gpu to RMA and the display is now showing but whenever I launch a game the driver keep crashing. I have DDU and fresh install the drivers but the problems still there. The adrenalin software keeps resetting (RADEON WATTMAN SETTING HAS BEEN RESTORED DUE UNEXPECTED SYSTEM FAILURE). Do anyone have any solution to this?
As i am still updated about this feed: Sorry, but no. No one seemingly was able to solve the problem. Ich you are able to please share the soltion. Good luck Buddy!!!!
i think i have solve the issue by clean install windows. it seems the problems does not occur again when gaming and under load. The setting in adrenalin software is default, i only tweak the fan curve.
Having the same issue here. Still unsure if GPU or Windows is broken. Reinstalled my Win11 recently and since then I had no stutters or black screens anymore. It seems that beta drivers will break every other driver once they have been installed. So I won't install them anymore. It's not recommended to install Beta drivers unless you know what you're doing! x)
How did you reinstall windows if your screen is black