This is what I get. Simply gets stuck, and after that the pc crashes.
This sums it up nicely, saved the impossible cases due to hardware limitations.
Intel Core i7 3770
P8H61-M LX2 R2.0
8GB ram
HD 7850
Corsair CX600
Try a clean install of the graphics driver > Clean Install AMD Graphics Drivers >>> Done multiple times.
Latest driver version (always the full version..not the 'minimal setup') > Mobile >>> Have done multiple installations of full and minimum, same results.
Disable any anti-virus during download and installation. >>> Only use windows defender
Delete the contents of the C:/AMD folder. >>> Done every instance of a new installation
Prevent/delay Microsoft automatically installing drivers. >>> Done
For some reason, it simply will not progress. No updates for biod either. It simply stopped working when I was using 17.x.x, so I kept waiting for a fix on AMD's side. Right now it just seems like a bad joke.
Please help?
Did you try adrenalin drivers ? e.x 18.3.4 the latest one ?
Windows version ?
Ye I've been trying adrenalin drivers.
Win10 x64, sorry I forgot to mention it.
Seems like nothing works.
Usually doing what you have done already will fix things. About the only thing I could add to the method above is to run a registry cleaner after all the uninstalls before you reinstall the new AMD driver.
Now the other thing I have run into when things just don't work the way they should is it is time to make sore the Windows installation itself is okay. I would try a couple things.
Runs system file checker. Open Command Prompt as Administrator and run sfc.exe /scannnow . This will make sure your installation is good and will replace files if not. This might take a bit usually less than an hour.
The next thing if all is well there. You may have a corrupt user account causing issues. Create a new administrator account and try to install the driver again from there.
if nothing works , reinstall windows 10 with microsoft's iso files
I'll see if these work in just a bit, come back with a response later. Tyvm for help.
sfc /scannow == fine
Created another admin account, went to safe mode, ran ddu, tried installing the full version again and same results.
Leme try repairing the installation anyway, feelsbadman.
That sounds like good advice. I'd download the current Windows 10 installer if you don't have it you can get that here: Download Windows 10
It will install and install the driver it has for your card that is fine. Don't install the latest AMD drivers until you have run all the Windows updates and everyone is installed. You need to click for it search again every time it reboots. It often comes up saying they are but when you click to search it finds more. Don't let it install any drivers for the graphics card through Windows update though. When all updates are done then install the latest AMD drivers.
Good Luck
Repaired, lost all my 7 year old bookmarks and all games.
Attempted running ddu and installing 18.3, didn't work.
Attempted running ddu and installing 17.12, didn't work either.
It might only be good to use if the VGA goes bad and it's the only way to fix a problem. =/
Sorry to hear of your loss. You definitely gotta back that stuff up first. If it was games in steam you can often just install steam again and point it to the library and it will link it all up again. If they are still on your hard drive. You can google this.
Any chance you have another PCIe slot on your MB you could try moving that card to?
Ye I forgot all about the bookmarks when I rushed to do it. A sad day indeed.
A list came up with the stuff that have been uninstalled, all games were there. =/
Sadly I only have 1 PCIe slot, so that will be that for quite a while. At least the pc is running gr8 now, but I won't be able to play witcher 3 for a long time.
Tyvm for help, sir. Tyvm for help everyone.