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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

Bad Luck? Destiny 2 and r9 380x


im playing one game and thats destiny 2. Guess its popular about issues between this game and amd.

im playing with a sapphire r9 380x and the Update that contains a fix for that is the first update my graphics isnt supported anymore?

So how can i get this fix cause i dont see a need to get a new graphic card because amd thinks i have to buy a new card . Ofc the outcome of this thing will decide if i even would buy anything from amd again (which i did in past).

thx for your time

5 Replies

Basically all Non-RX Series GPU cards have been labeled as Legacy. The last AMD Driver is from 06/2021:

So if those games requires a newer AMD Driver than 06/2021 than you are out of luck UNLESS  the Manufacturer of your GPU card decides to add a newer version.

its just about a fix that was priorized not on top level by amd.


The thing is that Bungie in their threat about the Performance issue with AMD is closed with that driver as solution. So there must be smth inpependend from the hardware that went wrong in software before. All i want is this fix even just a code to add that fixes this problem.

Btw i forgot to mention that i played this game with the same hardware already  perferctly smooth until Beyond light.

Adept I

Not bad luck as much as AMD picking literally the worst possible time (a historic shortage of new GPU stock) to give up on a huge swath of their older products (after a year of garbage drivers that still have unfixed bugs and crashes that don't exist in their older drivers).

I'm running an R9 390X and these constant "driver timeout detected" crashes are making me wonder if AMD was trying to deliberately brick older cards with their drivers so they can claw back some of the market share they lost to Nvidia over the last 2 financial quarters. AMD's long history of abysmal driver support (I'd probably get better R9 390X driver support from the Linux community - those guys know what they're doing, maybe AMD should take notes) for decent hardware continues.

Luckly i dont have many crashes tbh close to never. But when two years of up and down end like in the bungie forums the solution is exatly that one driver after setting the card to legacy its somekind of strange thing isnt it ?

Holy i bought that card 2016 where is the time lol 😄