Thank you for the help. The USB Device tree really helped me figure out what was going on.
The USB Hubs have two ports for each physical USB port. One supports USB 1 and 2, whilst the other parallel port supports only USB 3. (Port 1 runs with Port 6... 2 with 7, etc.) And they would always connect to the USB 2 port.
The end result was I ended up having to replace the USB 3 cable for my VR Headset and it is working now but only after my USB 3 mouse and keyboard were unplugged.
The TP Link doesn't seem to change, but after testing it, it is still running at optimal wireless Mbps.
I am not sure if my several re-installs of the chipset has fixed this, but the USB Tree tool has been immensely helpful in understanding what is going on.
Thank you for help elstaci, Kudos to you!