Hi, My pc is booting very slowly since im using StoreMi. Its booting up to 360 seconds and after boot its working slowly for 15-30sec
AMD StoreMI is no longer available and support has been terminated. A replacement program will be released before the end of May.
The Enmotus software that AMD STOREMI is based on, Paid version Fuze Drive, is offering free Support to all AMD StoreMI Users until May 15,2020.
Go here to get your free StoreMI Support from Enmotus Support: FuzeDrive Support
We're sorry to hear you're not satisfied with the performance so far.
Are these measurements immediately after creating your tier? If your data started off on a HDD, you'd expect it would take some time to promote your Windows boot data to the fast drive.
If you've given it a few days and a few bootups, how does it break down in terms of the slowness? i.e., from power up to spinning dots, from dots to black screen, from black to login, from login to useable system?
What drives are you using? How big are they? What kind of tasks are you running that might do large disk scanning (e.g., backup services and cloud storage, anti-malware, etc.?)
You're welcome to sign up for support and send us a ticket where elstaci linked.
From pushing button to motherboard screen 11s. From motherboard screen to windows icon 10s. From Windows icon to spinning dots 12s from spinning dots to login (black screen) 27s. Logging in 10s