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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Amd Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 2020

Dear developers! I have always supported AMD by purchasing video cards and processors from your company and helping to compete with Intel and Nvidia. But recently there was a story that causes sad thoughts that I was wrong. Maybe you can help me figure it out. So.
I had an Asus Radeon HD7850 graphics card for many years. Your Drivers and programs worked correctly with it until recently. At some point, your Radeon Sofware, after the update, stopped automatically controlling the cooling fan of the video card, as a result, the video card overheated and it became faulty! Who should pay for it? I installed another Asus Radeon HD7850 video card, set the global settings forcibly the fan speed is always 1500 rpm, everything worked, but .. after 2-3 reboots, the global settings again set the fan speed to the minimum, the program again does not automatically control the fan speed and the video card again began to overheat and almost burned out if I had not decided to constantly monitor the temperature! Tell me that this is all by accident, and not a global plan to burn old video cards! If so, if it's your mistake, how will you pay for it?

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