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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

amd hardware has been turned off in my computer

this is my last effort,i ve been trying to fix my amd graphics card for 2 years now and thats not a joke i really need someone to help me its only gotten 2 years ago on march 2020 i updated my amd graphics card and then i got a BSOD:thread stuck in device driver, since then i tried everything to fix it, from youtube to reddit i tried every single thing from downloading another version of amd to a vga driver and updating every part of the pc even the bios every time i enable the amd driver in device manager the BSOD happens again so i deactivated it and stopped playing games,and after that every few months i d try again and i never found a single thing that helped,so last week i brought it to a place where it could get fixed and i told them about the problem with the graphics card,after a few days i thought it was fixed but they told me they had to completely deactivate the card without asking me,although what really is getting my hopes up is that before when i tried to update windows to a newer version some problems occured, i thought that the bsod would be fixed if updated windows but for some reason errors also occured when i tried to update,but when i brought it to the shop they reformated the pc and put the latest version of windows so it was updated, what i want to do is find a way to re-enable the amd driver and update it to the latest version now that windows is updated,even if the bsod occurs again i ll work my way through it again i just need to find a way,please if anyway could just walk me through a way, my  guess is they deactived it from the bios or something but idk,since i ve gotten the pc back when i try to update amd it gives me an error 173-no amd hardware detected,this is literally the last thing i mma do because i ve tried every single thing i could think of

13 Replies

Nice detail explanation except you left out important computer information like Make & Model of your GPU, Motherboard, Windows version installed, exact error messages that are occurring (BSOD) since it came back from the PC Shop.

Does Device Manager show your GPU card under Display Adapters?  Any errors in Device Manager?

Does you GPU card need to have PSU PCIe GPU power cables connected to it?


sorry for leaving that out


G50-80 Laptop (Lenovo) - Type 80E5

Graphics card: amd radeon r5 m330 and intel hd graphics 5500(now i only have intel)

couldnt find anything about the motherboard

windows:windows 10 version 21H2

since i ve gotten it from the shop there arent any bsod, because the amd drivers have been uninstalled completely and in device manager display adapters its only the intel hd graphics 5500 no amd

as for the PSU PCIe GPU power cables if you could walk me through find that out 


if you could walk me through how to find that out*


I was assuming you had a Desktop Computer and not a Laptop.

So ignore about connect GPU power cables since you don't have a Desktop GPU card.

I suggest you download all the latest drivers and BIOS from Lenovo Support for your Laptop from here:

Screenshot 2022-06-08 160045.png

Intel Graphics and CHIPSET drivers must be the latest for the AMD driver to work correctly.

Also the R5 330M is a legacy GPU so the last Driver is from 06/2021:

I would install Lenovo Support OEM AMD Graphics driver and see if everything works normally. If it does then try updating to the last AMD driver from 06/2021.

If the same thing happens that would  indicate that the AMD Driver is  not compatible with your Laptop.

You can try previous AMD drivers from here:




the last thing i did before making this discussion is exactly that i tried downloading the vga drivers from the lenovo site and it gave me an error saying the driver isnt compatible with my pc because my windows and my bios are all updated and i think the vga drivers are too old,but i want to ask if i update all the parts that you have heighlighted then i try to update to vga/latest amd version will it make a difference ?


i know for a fact that the amd drivers are compatible with my system there is no doubt about that i just need a way to undo what the shop did on the driver


Download and use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) with the internet disconnected and deleting the AMD Installation folder at C:\AMD.

After DDU reboots back into Windows install the full Windows AMD Driver package and see if it installs successfully.

You can download DDU from here: Wagnardsoft DDU Download  DDU removes  all traces of AMD Graphics drive and Settings including Registry entries I believe.

For AMD driver to work correctly Windows must be fully updated via Windows Update. Having the latest BIOS version helps with hardware and software compatibility beside adding new or improving features.

If you are using Windows 8.1 than download the 8.1 driver full package.

Post back and post what errors you are getting after doing the above method.

The reason why I mentioned that the latest driver might not be compatible is due to legacy hardware in your PC.  But it should work none the less.

Look in Windows Device Manager under Display Adapter and see what is showing. Click on "Update Driver" and see if it installs a VGA driver or not.

Also report back of any errors showing in Device Manager.

EDIT: Sorry I got confused with another thread currently here at AMD Forum that  the User is trying to get two old PC working. But the above information I gave is still valid for laptops.


In a laptop the discrete Video card - R5 330m works together with the Intel APU processor's integrated graphics.

That is why the Intel VGA driver should be the latest besides the Intel CHIPSET.

Laptops do not work like desktops for the most part and require the laptop manufacturers component specific drivers.  With intel components  you should install the intel driver update assistant to keep you current.

already did that and the intel update assistant said my pc is up to date but i will go through rn with updating every single components from the lenovo site and try that


You might want to open a AMD SUPPORT Ticket and see what they recommend from here:


so this got my hopes up again,when i used ddu it actually detected that i have an amd radeon r5 m330 card,so it is somehow able to be detected, i just need the amd installer to do it not ddu

here s what i did: i used to ddu with internet off and after the pc rebooted i installed the latest version of amd for my card and the same thing happened error 173-no amd hardware detected,my bios are up to date but i ll try updating every component from the lenovo site and idk what i ll do after that tbh