Dear community,
Since I installed last AMD drivers 22.11.2, I cannot have openGL perfect landscape in IL2 1946 game. HardwareShaders always go back to 0 even when I change it manually to 1 in conf.ini.
I have a clean BAT 4.2.2 + hotfix 3 and no other mods.
It is an old DX9 game but it is still a very good flight simulator of WW2 Aircraft.
everything worked ok with previous AMD drivers 22.5.1.
Does somebody else encounter this problem.
My config is CPU 5900X, 32 G RAM, RADEON 6900XT GPU
Here is a link below of IL2 SAS1946 web site,69875.msg761111.html#msg761111
Thanks in advance for your help
With 22.11.2 update my IL 1946 game crash after start and Hardware Shaders are always back to 0.
I am not with this issue as I see. I am still with 22.5.1 WHQL drivers to play with IL2 1946.
Lets hope AMD will correct future drivers and listen our request.
Happy new year!!
22.5.1 is no go for me. Nothing.
Somehow, 22.4.1 works. But from all my flight simulations (Blitz, DCS, BoX) just IL 1946 looks like Minecraft. I have to play in 3840x2160 virtual resolution ... i am very upset with this driver story because i just buying new RX 6800 few weeks ago and now my favorit game is playable/unplayable/playable/unplayable.....
Fix is ready. Expect to be included in one of the future driver releases.
Thank you for info peruka 93 !
IL 1946 with last updated drivers: low fps, game freezing . Back to old drivers 22.4.1. everything's perfect, same game settings.
@VARPDragunov Can you provide the steps to reproduce the issue?
Game settings + mission / level + any mods installed + whatever is custom
Of course. First of all, thank you for your help, I really appreciate it!
I did the test on the latest version of Ultrapack 3, the version that I also fly online. The settings in the "hardware settings" option are maximum for me - and "landscape detail" is on "perfect".
Mission was Corsair over North Borneo /Pacific.
Mods are (JSGME):
-perfect map textures, Carsmaster water 512, Clouds New HD v2.1, Effects Mod RPs 3.0.1, VSM sound mod v 7.5
- MOD in #UP# folder is Random Skies and 00 Screenshot Propeller
I also use ReShade v 6.0.1.
With the new drivers, I started the mission, and right at the beginning I noticed that it was stuttering, the left and right movements of the plane were delayed, it looked like it was going frame after frame. When I saw that it wasn't working, I fired rockets, the screen froze, so I had to restart the game. Once again from the beginning and everything the same, and then once more. Then I decided to restore the old drivers and now it works without problems. Everything remained the same, I didn't change anything either in the game or in conf.ini.
I don't know what other people's experiences are, but I'll ask on the SAS forum, OK?
Peruka 93, thank you very much !
The only thing that still comes to mind is that at the same time when the 24.2.1 driver was released, I also had a Windows update. Is it possible that some kind of conflict arose there?
I reinstalled everything again and tried the latest drivers... it just doesn't work.