I'm having trouble downloading the AMD Chipset drivers for 990FX motherboards, amd-chipset-drivers_18.10_0830.exe. The download page states that the file is 65.4MB in size, and yet the download is only 15.8MB for me. Furthermore it cannot run, windows says it's not a valid executable.
Can someone please check things out and see why the server is giving me a partial file?
Thanks in advance.
It probably some sort of Server issue in your area. I was able to download the CHIP Set since I also have a 990FX Motherboard.
I have used this free file sharing service to upload AMD files for other Users when they have the same problem as you do. If you are interested in downloading the full 990FX CHIP Set click on the below link to download it for free. I was the one that uploaded the file:
I have it so it will delete in two days time.
By the way, this Chip Set is for Windows 10 x64 OS.
Please upload file again
The download is working, there is no need to share anything.
I realized: the file downloads normally if you use internet explorer.
But if you use chrome, then a piece of the file is downloaded
I downloaded the file using Chrome, but if IE works for you, that's good.