Hi, Having a very rough start of 2020 as the Adrenalin 2020 edition does not seem to work with my APU.
A8-6410 processor and R5 + 8500M graphics.
The older 2019 edition just worked fine and then you came up with 2020 edition.
the games does not recognize the other graphics card and thus can not run.
also the performance tune up formerly AMD overdrive in 2019 edition also does not work as after applying settings it again revert back to previous settings.
i have tried clean boot installation, installing using DDU, AMD cleanup utility, tries all the versions of 2020 edition including those optional ones.
Doom eternal also wont launch because it requires and updated driver but when i update it ruins everything.
AMDs hardware are great but on software/Driver support side has not proven any better.
I hope AMD does not forget its old product consumers after release of new Products and not stopped the driver support.
Please anybody can help. in highlighting this issue to AMD at large so that this problem gets fixed in next update.
below are my specs.