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PC Drivers & Software

Adept II

Adrenaline Fan Tuning doesn't save configurations.

I've had a problem with this for a long time, but the past few weeks it's being doing it more regular. Yesterday i played Kena BOS and had to tune it again, today i started and yep, had to retune again. It's driving me nuts. Zero RPM is just crazy bad as a pre-set and in every game i have to customise the settings. But in every game i play it just reverts to Zero RPM and forgets anything i did.

If nobody knows of any fixes, i'll be unhappily tempted by the dark side once again. I really like my setup with the 7800XT and Freesync Premium monitor, but i really just can't cope with having to configure the Fan Tuning every time i play a **bleep** game. Seriously annoying.

Any fixes, known issues? Help appreciated, or that 5070ti looks good...

2 Replies

i imagine you didn't save your profile.. it saves them as .xml files

after a crash it won't automatically reapply your profile but you can save different profiles if you want and you can load them easy with just 2 clicks 

top right corner



export different profiles and load them as necessary


just make a folder somewhere and save them profiles there


Ok, i've exported as you mention, but i'm still curious as to why it is:

When you click on Add Game Profile - then make changes, then Apply Changes

> what is this info? Why isn't it creating a file and saving it in the user profiles or AMD folder. Kinda weird. Also, why would the settings on the left stay the same, but the Fan Tuning revert to ZeroRPM. And why would the setting stay the same for weeks, then just revert back to default. What ever the problems are, it needs configuring properly so when users 'Add Game Profile' or simply reconfigure the settings from the game profile page, the info should be saved automatically, surely? It's kind of like having admin permission one minute then not (if you understand what i'm getting at).

I'll play around with it for the next few days and see if anything changes. It's just odd that i would have to manually import settings every time i play instead of the driver managing the profiles for you.