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PC Building

Adept I

Error 22 on AsRock Motherboard and EPYC CPU

I try to build a server using AsRock ROMED8-NL and EPYC 7502P. However, the system refuses to post. Dr Debug shows the following codes:

14 -> 15 -> CC -> C2 -> b3 -> 22

It got stuck at 22, which stands for OEM pre-memory initialization codes.

This is not a faulty RAM issue since I tested three different RAMs (QVL) individually on all modules.

I also re-installed the CPU three times, but the error is still the same.

The possible problems can be faulty CPU or motherboard, but which one? Should I return both?

What can be my next step?


9 Replies

LoL, needed to delete my answer a couple times after rereading and doing some more checking.
Found out your ASRock Motherboard doesn't support AMD EPYC 7502P Processor which is why it isn't booting up.
From ASRock Support concerning your Motherboard's CPU SUPPORT LIST:
Screenshot 2023-02-25 094200.png
As you can see it is only showing AMD EPYC Processors 7002 & 7003 as being compatible.

Thanks for your consideration, but the 16th row in the image you attached is AMD EPYC 7502P.

Do I miss something in reading the table?

Your are correct my error out of ignorance of the EPYC Processors naming.

I see that EPYC 7002 is the FAMILY and EPYC 7502P is a model under that FAMILY of processors.

I believe the best place to post this thread is at AMD Forums Server GURUS:

That forum deals with everything to do with AMD hardware & software and EPYC processors.

NOTE: LoL I figured that maybe it might have been a simple oversight on your part. sorry about that.

This is indeed my first EPYC after years of focusing on Threadripper. It was unfamiliar to me, too, that the series digit is the last one in EPYC codes.

A simple oversight on my part is not improbable. I still suspect that the whole problem might be a stupid mistake in the build 🙂

Thanks for your advice; I followed it.



Motherboard, RAM, PSU, version of Windows, etc. would be nice if anyone can help.

However; what I am reading is that the code 22 is a disabled device error.  Here is a link to possibly help with your issue on the code 22 error.

I don't know your motherboard manufacturer.  I always used SuperMicro boards and they required Registered RAM.  So check your motherboard support for the RAM your using .  From your statement in your post it appears that you have already done so.  But your comment about "individually"  might indicate that it is not a RAM SET and thus leading to a device error.

At this point I would suggest that the only devices you have installed would be CPU, GPU, RAM, and hard drive.

Famous last words of a RedNeck "Hey Ya'll, WATCH THIS"
Journeyman III

I am building similar/same ASRock ROMED8-2T w/EPYC 7302p.  Same debug code sequence 15->14->CC->C2->b3->22 and hold at 22.  no video either so no further easy debug tools.  how did you remedy? 

Post on this site four week ago with same debug code 22 - i have not been able to make any progress - anybody else out there with same symptom as above which seemingly has been resolved but no answer as to how

Journeyman III

Same situation here : 

Romed8-2t + AMD Epyc 7302P (normally supported by all bios versions)

-No RAM : code 10

-ram from my PC (unsupported UDIMM) : code 4b

-RDIMM : code 22

Now trying to find what is 22.


Best regards 🙂

Journeyman III

I am experiencing the exactly same issue on a Supermicro mainboard H12SSL-i, the board was sent to the distributor for RMA, but they say it works with their CPU and RAM. So they sent it back.. no operation, and the codes I have seen are definitely the sequence the OP listed.

So what does really POST code 22 mean? is it part of the AGESA? it seems every vendor uses the same code, so somebody from AMD should really reply, why the memory init code fails in that part. So shame that BIOSes are not opensource and we can not track this down.

I am totally dissatisfied, as after a decade+ of being a big collector of highend stuff, I can finally afford to buy something as a new product, and it comes with this F* mysterious error. The many RAMs and almost dozen of random ROME gen CPU works on a weird Akamai mobo, and even on a Asus flashed with Rome bios, but not this new supermicro. Whyyyy???