Hi guys, I am integrating Mali ES Emulator into UE4. After some modification it can run, but caused a null reference. Here is the stack:
->nvoglv64.dll!000000005116a090() Unknown
nvoglv64.dll!00000000508d7fcc() Unknown
opengl32.dll!00007ff873ab35ba() Unknown
libMaliEmulator.dll!00007ff81fd93811() Unknown
libMaliEmulator.dll!00007ff81fcde960() Unknown
libMaliEmulator.dll!00007ff81fe14fad() Unknown
libMaliEmulator.dll!00007ff81fe17cc5() Unknown
libMaliEmulator.dll!00007ff81fe10c43() Unknown
libMaliEmulator.dll!00007ff81fd45ba8() Unknown
->UE4Editor-OpenGLDrv-Win64-Debug.dll!FOpenGLDynamicRHI::RHIDrawIndexedPrimitive(FRHIIndexBuffer * IndexBufferRHI, unsigned int PrimitiveType, int BaseVertexIndex, unsigned int FirstInstance, unsigned int NumVertices, unsigned int StartIndex, unsigned int NumPrimitives, unsigned int NumInstances) Line 2885 C++
I have nether the debugable version .dll nor the source code of libMaliEmulator.dll, I don't know what happend in the dll and how to slove it directly.
What's the possible reason of this issue?
Thanks in advance.