Here's a youtube short for you. Hope you like it😀
BTW, I can't embed youtube shorts in the forum like other complete youtube vídeos 😞
Haha, this video gave me a good laugh!!
As for the YouTube shorts - that's weird, it gave me the same error. I'm going to look into this with the team!
Looks like destruction for the sake of destruction. Maybe his wife said no more computer parts for 2022?
And why would you think that?
Maybe because he just tossed the computer case into the air and watched it hit the asphalt?
Well, "He" did that with a very good reason behind it, and no. Not for pure sake of destruction, but for the first reaction that I had to this post 🙂 A good laugh 🙂
You see, the computer was given to "He" with some functional parts, actually, now being used in a friends computer. But the case was deemed unrecoverable, too damaged to be used in any way and was going directly to recycling along with the parts that "He" saved.
Since a good laugh is a much needed thing right now in this world, "He" made this short onto His channel. 🙂
The "He" is me.
Too funny @johnnyenglish 😂 Keep them coming!
I wonder...what would you have done if you had to undervolt a CPU? 😉
That sounds like an idea for another short 😆
Maybe a 1.2v battery strapped to a CPU would do the trick. 😃