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Graphics Cards

Adept II

still dont' know how RSR is working

my native is 4k, and following AMD to set the game in 1440p or 1080p , i tried both. my monitor support HDR400 and freesync pro, that my question or feeling come, as i play the game in 4k with HDR , the graphic is so obviously with perception that , 4k native is look better than RSR in 1440p. and i already or closely set the graphic setting in highest or higher . as i said, i can see RSR isn't working as the AMD said, as RSR 1440p didn't look closer to 4k native, i don't see it would looklike 4k as the technology spoke, it don't looklike upscaling for whatever it is, it just looklike 1440p, excerpt the FPS is do higher under RSR, so at least it is working on performance, but not on the graphic  that is the core of my gaming criteria . but FSR is working well than RSR, even FSR(2.0) is higher in tier comparing with RSR as it is FSR 1.0 currently

1 Reply
Adept II

borderless mode seem to work better