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PC Graphics

Adept I

Sapphire Rx580 Pulse 8gb resets computer unless it is undercloked


I have a 1 year old desktop pc that I built myself. On 27 March I have updated my drivers to the latest driver (Adrenalin Edition 18.3.4 Optional). After the update I tried to run Player Unknown's Playgrounds and after the loading screen pc restarted itself. On the same day I have updated the game too, so I blamed the game for the reboot and tried again, however the result was same. Sometimes the game runs 10-15 minutes and then the pc restarts itself without any error messages. I have unchecked the option that enables the pc to restart itself after an error however it did not change anything. I returned to an older driver (Adrenalin Edition 18.2.1, this was the driver that worked perfectly) after deleting the new driver via Display Driver Uninstaller program in safe mode, and the result did not change.

I tried to run a stress test on Furmark (uses OpenGL). GPU temp rises to 70 max, and nothing happens for 10-15 min. However when I tried to run Unigine's Heaven Benchmark (DirectX) and Superposition it resets the pc either after the loading screen or 1-2 minn into the test. So I thought that was a directx issue, and reinstalled directx and nothing changed.

I formatted the SSD completely and installed a fresh Windows 10 and that did not solve the problem either. After the fresh Windows 10, even OpenGL applications started to reset the pc. I think the issue is resulting from PSU or the GPU. Yesterday I tried to increase the power limit in the radeon settings. I tried +30 power limit and run Unigine's Superposition benchmark, benchmark finnished successfully 8-9 times, so I thought the issue was gone. However, when I tried to run the benchmark in the evening (3-4 hours later) the reset issue was back.

Finally I tried to underclock the RX580, and 1150 mhz for clock and +30 power limit, and that seems to resolve the issue. I could run 2 hours of PUBG and several benchmarks and it did not reset.

Is there anyone with the same issue? And if someone can help me to solve this issue I will be thankful.


2 days ago my computer started to reboot itself in desktop. Reboot was in an array and it rebooted itself 1-2 min after the windows starts. After 7-8 consecutive reboots motherboard did not boot the system. In the debug led first GPU and then CPU was blinking. I borrowed my friends pc and tried to figure out the issue.My GPU was working fine in his pc even though his PSU only had 6pin power cable (my GPU needs 8 pin). I could not connected his PSU to my system because hi PSU has 4 pin CPU connector and my Motherboard has 8 pin. Nevertheless, I bought a new PSU (FSP Hydro 700 80+ Bronze), and now everything is working fine. I tried becnhmarks and stress test to test the RX580 and I did not get any reboots. I tried to overclock the GPU to 1400mhz and it's working just fine.

In the begining of this issue I did not think about PSU because it is a 750W one, and it's not a bad brand. However that was the problem and I went ahead and bought a better one. When I first built the pc I tried to overclock the GPU to 1400mhz and even that time with a brand new PSU it rebooted itself. I should have guessed that this PSU was a faulty one even then.

I sent the faulty one to the warranty but I won't use it if they replace it. Thanks for your attention.

The system configuration

Graphics Card

Sapphire Pulse RX580 8gb

Operating System

Windows 10 64bit

Driver version installed

Adrenalin Edition 18.2.1

Display Devices

Samsung S24F350FHMXUF 23.5" FreeSync

Motherboard + Bios Revision

MSI B350M PRO-VDH, Bios: 7A38vAB (2018-03-15)


AMD Ryzen5 1500x

Power Supply

Aerocool 750W VX


1 x  Corsair Vengeance DDR4 8gb 2300mhz

Best regards.

Message was edited by: Ogulcan Ozarslan

24 Replies

Just asking because this often gets missed. When you load new driver or the driver crashes WATTMAN settings return to DEFAULT. Also you mentioned you are set to +30. Your RX 580 should be set to +50. Give that a try and see if that helps. If not I would run DDU and do a clean reinstall of the drivers again. My RX 580 is having no issues with this latest drivers so far, many things are now fixed. I can get you a screen shot of my Wattman settings later if you still have issue.

Thank you for your reply pokester. As I have said, I not only set default te watmann settings, but also reformatted the windows.

I have Sapphire Pulse RX580 8 gb. And in the global watmann it goes maximum +30. My cards base clock is 1366mhz and in the past i couldn't even overclocked it to 1400. So I used it as it is. I can post the screenshot later when I have access to the pc.


Not seen a 580 that doesn't go +50 so set it at +30 then. But the key here is to follow those slider settings. That is what will control the dynamic throttle control, and keep that heat under 70. Your settings were to high if it is locking over 70.


These are very stable settings for me. I don't I would try these fan settings and use the +50 power limit only at first. Don't overclock GPU or Memory until this is stable for you. I recommend you not try to custom volt at all. I have found doing that to be nothing but unstable. Even though the specs should allow this card to go past 70 mine wont either. It is unstable. This profile as I have it keeps it from going over. My card runs great now with these setting and I am gaming on max settings with every title I own. Give this a try if stable you can start bumping the clock speed up again. FYI mine can hit 1475 stable, but the actual benchmarking is slower than 1460 so the absolute max stable speed may not be best. I used heaven benchmark to decide what speed was best.


Okay a few other things I have done and other do here to get past the situation you are having.

1.) Disable "Hibernation" Sleep

2.) Disable "Fast Startup"

3.) Set power settings to  "High Performance"

4.) Disable Windows 10 Game Bar & DVR

I was having the same issues as you until all of this was done.

Good Luck!


I have done everything in your message and it was ok for a moment. I tried 4-5 benchmarks and it did not reboot the pc. I could even overclocked the gpu to 1400mhz. However, 2-3 hours later I tried a benchmark again with 1366mhz, and it rebooted the pc. Only settings I can use now is 1250mhz and +30 power limit. I don't know why my settings does not have +50. But in the screen shot you can see the difference. By the wa my gpu only has an 8 pin connector, maybe that's why it only has +30 power limit.



No different cards/manufacturers have different Power Limits...this is set by the card manufacturer. I have seen +20, +25, +30 on the same series card, but different manufacturers. What matters is you pull the slider all the way to the right..highest + value. This disables throttling...which the default 0 allows.

Power Limit > AMD graphics performance

Mine is only an 8 pin and even comes with a higher clock. But mine has same issue as yours. I had seen rx 480's with +25 or +50 this is just the first rx 580 I had run across that wasn't +50.


I am sure that power limit setting is probably bios controlled. A shame they don't let you go to +50 as it might make all the difference in stability.

did you make these changes:

1.) Disable "Hibernation" Sleep

2.) Disable "Fast Startup"

3.) Set power settings to  "High Performance"

4.) Disable Windows 10 Game Bar & DVR

No the Power Limit is the same on all cards...the manufacturer sets what the default (0) limit is....+50 (max) and +20 (max) accomplish the same allows the card to perform at it's maximum ATX design capability. The 580's  performance parameters are set by AMD in the card design...


Not sure I was disagreeing with what you said. Unless you are saying that the Vanilla AMD drivers somehow know to somehow with driver information only per manufacturer and card model. I have always heard that information is pulled from the BIOS and the driver respects that and doesn't override it. We may both be saying the same thing from 2 different angles?


What I mean is...a +50 setting is no higher/better than a +30. It just means the card manufacturer decided to increase the power draw default setting (0). You only have 100...if the manufacturer of the card decides to be a little less power efficient, they might set (example) 60 as the default (0)...this would allow the card to pull more power, at default setting, before the throttling set in. In this case, the max + value would be +40. As long as the slider is all the way to the right, which is the max + value, then the throttling program is disabled.

Okay I think I got what you mean. You are saying that say the upper limit for the card is a fictional 100 and the default is 50 then setting it at +50 on my card and setting it at +30 on their card is the same thing? Wow talk about making something even more confusing.


You might want to read > How to Tune GPU Performance Using Radeon Wattman and Radeon Chill

"Power Limit can be increased or reduced by +/-  20-100% and should be set to the maximum value when increasing GPU or Memory clock frequency."

That % increase is set by the card manufacturer as the default (0) setting...30% or 50% each suspend the power limit management and allow the card to perform at it's maximum intended design.


That is interesting. Why don't they just use the options supplied by AMD though? That would have been easier. Nevertheless, that option does not work for me. I had to downclock the card to about 1200 in order to stabilize it.

Adept III

The new drivers are very buggy for a lot of users,

You are not the only one,

I HAD TO USE DDU uninstaller TO UNINSTALL the drivers,

and then i installed 17.8.1 which fixed everything for me.


Thanks for the reply. I did not have any problems with 18.2.1. so i reversed the driver to it, but no luck. I will try the 17.8.1 version  too.


I just tried 17.8.1 version, and still had the reboot. No luck again.


I would suggest, if you have not done so already to at least engage the manufacturer with these questions. An RMA may be in order if still under warranty. I can say unlike XFX who makes my card, I have had great dealings with Saphire support in the past. Maybe they can help or maybe even have another bios or trick to offer.


That's the step I don't want to follow, because when I contact them they will ask for the card, and I don't have any other GPUs to use at the moment, and as you know Ryzen 5 1500x does not come with integrated graphics. However, if I cannot find a solution I will have to send the card.

Thanks for the help by the way.


Did you use DDU Uninstaller like i said?,

It's a crucial step,


Yes I always use DDU before driver installation.

Adept I

The issue is resolved. First message is updated.


Well that certainly explains why it seemed like a power issue but none of the usual software fixes worked. Glad you got it going. Thanks for replying back with the fix.

Happy Gaming!