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Graphics Cards

Journeyman III

My 7900xtx keeps crashing

my setup is 7800x3d+7900xtx reference with gskill 6000 expo 16*2 set RAM. I had no problem for almost 2 years. But recently, more specifically last night, when I’m gaming, the screen suddenly went black, the light on the card went off and the fans of it went full speed. I have no idea what happened. I tried to upgrade/downgrade the driver, but it just keeps crashing, same issue, lights gone, and the fans full speed. Anyone have any similar experience that can offer some help? 

6 Replies

What power supply are you running?

Are you running separate power cables from your power supply to each power input on your GPU?

Are you overclocking anything?

Is your motherboard's BIOS up to date? What motherboard?

Do you have the latest AM5 chipset drivers installed? 


ThreeDee PC specs

Don't sound good.  I have experienced similar problems with other cards that were on their death bed.

Other than that, ThreeDee gave the only suggestions anyone could offer.

Famous last words of a RedNeck "Hey Ya'll, WATCH THIS"
Adept I

I am suddenly having the exact same issue...

After 2 years my 7900xtx Hellhound (watercooled) is doing the exact same thing, It was after updating to the latest driver 24.6.1 and that included using DDU to wipe the drivers + also reinstalling my entire pc.....I am still getting this black screen, sometimes I can play all night and its fine but then some nights its every time I go into a game....

Heat is no problem GPU core is at 45 ingame and CPU Hotspot is hanging around 60-65
Power is no problem either..... I have looked under windows Event viewer and I am seeing 

"The driver \Driver\WUDFRd failed to load for the device ROOT\DISPLAY\0000." Showing up.....


Two separate power cables powering the card.

850w Thermaltake platinum PSU

Motherboard fully up to date



Gigabyte aorus 690x pro
16gb DDR5

7900xtx Hellhound 

fully watercooled

Adept I

I began having a very similar issue until ultimately my PC now won’t even post if my GPU is installed. Almost exact same specs as you. Did you ever find anything out?


I am fortunate enough to still be posting to the PC fine and running furmark + 3DMark is no problem what so ever it can run for hours and the GPU or GPU Hotspot never goes over 60c with no blackscreen BUT in games it can happen...I am still testing to see what is causing it and while I am 90% sure its the new driver that has really messed something up, I am also keeping an eye on GPU Wattage because I fear its suddenly pushing over my PSU limit of 850 (Although for the past two years it hasn't)




Quick update, since my last post I've had 0 crashes i.e that harsh black screen UNTIL right now and this is with the 24.5.1, good news is this testing that's been going on means its nothing to do with the actual GPU itself its purely driver and I am starting to think also the very latest update from windows 11 having a bit of a fight....