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Graphics Cards

Adept I

Can we have an improved HDMI audio driver to avoid skipping?

Well, this problem been here forever. Not sure if AMD is completely aware, cause it doesn't happen on every setup.

I noticed most reports are related to GPU connected to av receivers, like Denon, Marantz and so.

I tried to change cables, go from HDMI to DP, it will improve a little on some circumstances but no solution at all.

It's so weird. I also noticed games that skip audio on particular scenes, like replays. But never in actual gaming or vice versa. And can be reproduced 100% all the times. 

Could you finally give us a better HDMI audio driver? At least more tolerable to this skipping madness?

You could think it's because cables not able to reach data speed on some circumstances. But at lower resolutions gets worse, which makes no sense. So it's clearly a driver problem. Reaching to the lowest point at 640x480 where there is no audio at all. Crazy.


Again, the weakest point here are av receivers, don't know why. But same setup with nvidia won't have this skipping thing.


I'm using AMD 6000 series, but the problem goes to all series.

2 Replies

Edit: never mind. I notice you identified that it is cable issue.

Adept I

The driver is way too sensitive. Makes no sense skipping audio and never skip video.