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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Bug - rx 6700 xt dropping clock, consumption, vram speed

Bug - rx 6700 xt dropping clock, consumption, vram speed

Hello, this is my first post.

I recently purchased my rx 6700 xt.

I have a ryzen 7 2700 - b450 plus, 16gb ram ddr4 hyperfury 2400 600w corsair source

And in absolutely every game I have micro-stutter or big stutters!

Recently, I found that by testing through the adrenalin benchmark you can see what the problem is.

I've seen in other topics how to keep the clock locked, which doesn't work if you don't do it through MorePowerTool, that is...

It's a serious problem for AMD.

And isn't there any topic that engineers report they will fix or something?

What should we do then?

bios rx 6700 xt sapphire pulse.gif


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