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PC Graphics

Adept I

6800XT Power Consuption at idle or low load

Hello, I have been having this problem, that is, when I turn on the pc the power consumption (GPU) is 5w, but after a while after doing some things like opening the browser or connecting to some program the consumption jumps to 19w - 22w, and stay´s there, to go back to the previous consumption I have to start with some game or program, I even thought it would be my problem, because in the last month I bought new 8k display port cables, and I thought that the problem would come from there, but after formatting and trying to change something at the software or hardware level, the problem persists, so reading the feed from people here, I understood that it must be a driver problem more specifically. My system is CPU Ryazen 5800X , 32Gb DDR 4 .3600Mhz - GPU - Red Devil 6800 Xt - MB Strix x570-E, corsair AX 860 , Monitor: Gigabyte WQC, freesync Premium Mode activated in both (Monitor,Gpu) at 144 Hz, Bios Updated to the last revision, Also DOCP, and ResiBar on.

I already turn off any hardware acceleration in browsers or programs like steam, ubisoft connect, etc., but it remains the same

If i change to off the freesync it will normaly jump to 32w for just be out of sync, then i will turn on again, and power goes back to 5w-7w,, i will remains untill it jumps again to 19w-22w

It seems that it is more a software problem, this for me coincided with the fact that I changed the OS from Windows 10 to 11, with the fact that I also changed the DP cables, but after noticing the fault, I already changed it again of OS, I already made the default in the Bios and tried to see if it wasn't a problem from there, after changing OS two times, i already again changed it again to Windows 11, I changed a disk because in the meantime SMART got angry with it, I already did all the steps you can imagine, the "problem" persists. Normally consumption should always remain between 5w to 7w at idle, until recently this was the normal.

7 Replies

What driver are you using? I'm currently running the old Adrenalin 22.5.1 (from way back in May 2022) for my RX 6800 XT and my power usage will drop back down to about 7 watts shortly after I stop doing things (for instance, in this browser window, power use will pop up to about 15 watts while I'm typing here, but very quickly drop to that 7 watt baseline when I stop).

Have you tried different Adrenalin versions?

Yes for me that was the normal, and before in windows 10 i can use that driver the 22.5.1, but since 08 of december that become obsolete, and the recommend driver from then is the 22.11.2, and does not work with the previous. Is still there in AMD´s Page but don´t work now with this OS, i try to install but  a window show up saying that driver is no longer the recommended, I understand your suggestion, but previously the driver somehow worked, it told me that it was a delayed driver but it worked, from this new one it stopped working, I can't even open the adrenalin, It automatically asks me to install the new driver.

This isn't a huge problem, but going from consuming 5w to 6w doing nothing to 19w to 22w is more than triple what it consumed in the previous driver. And it's not a consistent behavior, it starts at 5w and only after doing something for a few minutes does it rise to 19w and blocks there, even closing processes in task etc, I can't rectify the problem, the wattage only comes down when i twik something in the resolution such as Hz, freesync, or even start a game, but after a while comes up again.


I was going to suggest making sure your browsers aren't set to continue running in the background (usually under System in a browser's settings).  But, if the power use doesn't drop back to its minimum even if you shut down processes in Task Manager, I don't think that'll be the issue. I can't come up with anything else that'll help. But, I'd suggest using the Bug Report Tool at the top right of the Adrenalin software and officially report the issue.


I already did, 3 times i think. Thanks anyway, Happy 2023 


One other thing, in Task Manager, if you sort by the GPU column, does anything stay running after it was shutdown?

Adept I

After the shutdown i don´t have any process´s pending, even whem it jumps to the 19w-20w everything looks normal, no other process is pending in background, the only two tasks in idle reacting to the gpu is client server runtime process is about 0,7% and the desktop window manager 0,3% and that´s it, everything bellow that, is at 0% of usage.

Adept I

I think I started to realize that the failure has something to do with the connection to game programs, in this more concrete case, Epic App or the EA app, after turning them on, it jumps to those 19w and even turning off the program, it doesn't go back, in the task, not even the program appears after closing it, but the 19% remains until I do something, as I had already described before.