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General Discussions

Journeyman III

When will the RX 7900 XTX be restocked ?

I'm absolutly devastated even if this outcome was previsible. To think that I couldn't get one even by being here at the very minute it started... 

I have a whole PC just waiting for that specific GPU. When will it come back ?

5 Replies

likewise  i was waiting 10 min before launch.. and got a waterblock on the way, lol.  a little let down.  I will post here if i hear anything.

Agreed, I will be following this as well because a scalper isn't getting my money. I'm still 2 generations behind and I'll stay that way or go Intel for my GPU even if it performs worse at this point.

Adept III

I've been gaming on an 8 year old iMac on Bootcamp, so to say I was ready for a new build was an understatement.

I've gone all AMD on a new AM5 platform and to have had my purchase of a 7900XTX accepted only to find out 4 hours later that they don't have the stock to supply, is a complete kick in the head. Also no idea when stock will be available again, so I'm so annoyed at both the retailer and AMD for getting the supply so wrong yet again. They promised they would do better and have failed as far as I'm concerned.

I was so upset at todays goings on I almost jumped on a 4080 so things are clearly that bad 

7900xt non xtx just showed up in stock

Adept I

I was able to get a RX 7900 XTX only to have it arrive with a defective middle fan.  RMA department is offering a refund since they do not have stock.  So my option is to get my money back and then try to find another one.  Oh wait...  There is no stock anywhere!!  This is such garbage.  So I guess AMD doesn't carry safety stock for possible returns of defective graphics cards.  Who ever planned this launch should be fired.