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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Virtual Desktop and ReLive issues

CPU: Ryzen 5 5600x

GPU: Radeon RX 6800 (non XT model)

Board: MSI Tomahawk MAG b550

Wifi: 5ghz


Hey all, I've been tinkering around trying to use Virtual Desktop and ReLive with my Oculus Quest 2 and have been running into some issues.  VD is completely unusable and Relive is significantly better but still too poor to play.  GPU last frames at <40, bad picture quality, stuttering etc; not dropping many frames though.


Does anyone have any experience with similar hardware and HMD? Tips and tricks? Is anyone able to produce playable experiences? I don't think my hardware is the issue.  I built my rig specifically with for VR and am wondering if I chose the wrong graphics card.

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