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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Video Wall [8 Tv's]

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to construct a video wall with the use of 8 flat screen tv's. I have tried a splitter but had no luck since the video was only duplicated. From there on I was able to try using the 4 display ports from my desktop and amd eyefinity  which did give me the extended display that I needed.

Based on that are there any type of adapters/splitters that would help me achieve a 8 way video wall? what would all of you suggest?

Here is the splitter that I used that completely failed:

1 Reply

I think the maximum is 4 for one GPU, but I really do not know for sure. I have never heard of anyone exceeding 4. If you want to exceed 4 displays, then you might need to 2 GPUs not in crossfire mode, and I am not sure if 2 GPUs will coordinate and accommodate 4 x 2 distinct displays.

If you don't have 2 dedicated GPUs, but have a dedicated GPU and iGPU, you could try setting up 4 displays to the 1 dedicated GPU and 1 display on the iGPU, then verify that 5 displays work.