Hi, I am using Rx580 2048sp from last year. I am using pro version driver. But recently I am facing a problem of driver timeout. I start the pc and open any software and browser then my screen freeze for like 5-10 sec then screen became black and then again turn on and show a notice that the graphics driver timeout. I tried every fix I found on internet and youtube like
- Under clocking
- uninstall with ddu and re-install
- Use update or downgrade driver version. I try both pro version and adrenal edition version 23.x.x and other version
- Windows update
- remove gpu from mo-bo and clean it
All above fix doesn't work for me. Please help me to fix this. I can't do a thing for this problem. MY pc config is CPU: intel i5 4440 GPU: RX580 2048sp RAM: 16gb DDR3 NOTE: while writing this post my driver timeout 4 times