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Adept I

Radeon RX 5700 XT - Wattman Crash

So I hope I've posted this in the right forum (apologies if not).

By the looks of it (via google, reddit etc) I'm not the only person who has issues with 'Wattman' crashes. But I'm generally only getting them in one game: Total War: Warhammer 2 (TW:W2)

My system specs are:

OS: Windows 10
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5
RAM: 16.0GB
Motherboard: Gigabyte B450M DS3H-CF (AM4)
Graphics card: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT
Power: Novatech 750W ATX Power Supply

My GPU is currently sitting on about 57c temperature but, when playing TW:W2, generally goes up to about 90c. I've recently bought an EVGA CLC 120 Liquid/Water CPU Cooler that I'll be installing when I get chance to Try and bring the temperature down a bit.

But I'm still getting these Wattman crashes and can't figure out why.

I've used the AMD cleanup utility app to remove previous drivers and reinstalled them again. But I'm no closer to cracking it.

The Windows Reliability History isn't showing anything particularly useful either. Or at least I may not totally be understanding what I'm seeing in there.

Does anyone have any advice for this or tips of what I should be looking for?

Much appreciated if so!

83 Replies

What make is your card? Asus, Gigabyte, MSI, etc.?

"It worked before you broke it!"

fan control.pngfan control 2.jpg

"It worked before you broke it!"
Journeyman III

Which version of windows are you using?
Adept II

First things first before blaming the drivers watch my video on You tube on how to check your system files .


Usually poor Video driver performance is actually a windows file corruption problem Verify you system files then work on video driver problems.