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Adept I

R9 3900x vs 5800x3d in gaming worth upgrade or go straight to am5 7800x3d


I would Like to ask IF there was bé benefit to upgrade from my r9 3900x to 7 5800x3d and how mutch performance i could get with this upgrade, i play native 1440p exclusive and if this dont provider enough performance uplift just go for am5 r7 7800x3d??

Let mé know cuz i have no idea right now IF is worth just get 5800x3d as upgrade or not cuz many benchemarks show very low performance uplift and some of them go straight worse for 5800x3d over r9 3900x is it really worth this upgrade or just go Like duck it and go balls deep to new am5 and just bought new mono rams and CPU plus new cooler that woukd cost btw 800 eur. 

Right now i gót tuf gaming x 570 plus 32gb of 3600mhz rams and rx 7900gre how mutch fps i woukd gain IF i upgrade to 5800x3d or 7800x3d. 

4 Replies
Big Boss

Hi, to be honest, there is no chance that in the majority of benchmarks a 3900X will outclass a 5800X3D. In fact, the 5800X3D can even trade blows with a 7900X

7900X vs 5800X3D benchmarks tests (

As for the King of the Hill 7800X3D, thats a matter of Budg€t, if you have the mon€y, go for it.

Good Luck

The Englishman

Well the 5800x3d is great cpu and week or so i get it and start testing all games samé settings tha on my r9 3900x but i was dissapointed a lot cuz other than 1080p there is not real up lift in fps and in those games that there is i gain maximum 10fps thats just not worf for price of 360eur cuz brand new 7800x3d is the samé price right now Like is crazy how expensive is 5800x3d compare to its bigger Brother 7800x3d. In cyberpunk at 1440p ultra settings i got 115fps wich is was more than 5800x3d it was gain about 15 to 18fps but 1%low was lwirse than in 5800x3d for sure its feels weird cuz 1%lows are mutch better than on r9 3900x. Over all i dit endet up testing 19 games but only in 3 i gót better fps with 5800x3d at 1440p, but there is problém maybe thats just Bug but no matter what 1440p the 2k or 4k with r9 3900x my utilization is no higher than 98% on gpu and utilization on cpu was around 30 to 40% but 5800x3d i gót 100% on gpu but mutch more on cpu around 40 to 65% thats a lot is that normal for cpu in cpu bound games??? I have no idea, well results wasnt as i expect ed them there was no to extremly low performance gain from 5800x3d and it wasnt worf the price all tho 1% low was big upgrade but i still return the CPU cuz 5% gain is not worth 360 eur in my opinion. Insted i think i Will focus on 7700x and new mobo and rams yes its gonna bé expensive but with 7800x3d it woukd all cost around 800 eur too mutch and with 7700x its gonna bé Like 650eur still alot but well 7700x is just barelly slower then x3d model and nôt gonna bottleneck the gpu. I dont know still dreaming about 5900x3d still hoping that this Come as Last chip on am4 cuz that woukd bé epic i woukd buy that right away IF it was imorovement to 5800x3d but well since the chip dont exists we can just dream but i would love to see new chips no refreshes but some new models to am4. 


The FPS uplift switching to an X3D chip is less noticeable at 1440p than it is at 1080p, you may gain 5-10%.

You don't mention what GPU you are using, if you're looking for better graphics performance maybe that's where your money should go?

Ryzen R7 5700X | B550 Gaming X | 2x16GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 7900XT
Ryzen R7 5700G | B550 Gaming X | 2x8GB G.Skill 4000 | Radeon Vega 8 IGP
Ryzen R5 5600 | B550 Gaming Edge | 4x8GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 6800XT

Well i write what systém. I have is at the bottom of the post but yeah rx 7900gre, 850watt psu, tuff gaming x570-plus mobo, 32gb rám 3600mhz, m.2ssd gen 2   3 Times 4tb and i have as we know r9 3900x. I thought that in 1440p this give mé more fps but IF it give mé that only Like 10 to 15fps than thats nôt worf it and i rather just savé up for the 7800x3d but **bleep** all **bleep** is expensive right now in europe well hahahha in europe it was allways expensive but now its just mutch more. I dont know how mutch fps i should gain lets say in helldivers 2 cuz now im playing that game at 1440p native and game is completly maxed out all graphic al settings are on expect async computer cuz that actually causing loosing more fps  over all this combinatioj gives mé good stále fps around 70 to 100fps in game but depends on situation also i noticed that sometimes i have huge drop in fps for around 2 or 3 sec and fps drop to Like 56 to 58 and than start climb again fast to Like 70s its just weird cuz 1percent low is in this game quite **bleep** nôt gonna lie but this wasnt more different when i use Rtx 3070 in this game as well naider, but compare to rx 7900gre the Rtx 3070 ufff the amd gpu isbhuuuge upgrade and in most of the tituls i gót Like 99percent usage of gpu and around 15 to 40 percent of CPU usage depends on game i dont get any higher CPU usage. Many People dont Like r9 3900x but i think its great specially in 4k i love it when i sometimes use it in 4k its just perfect. But i dont know many People on the net claim that when they replace their r9 3900x with 5800x3d they gót Like 30 to 35 fps boost in games i thing they talking about 1080p cuz im not quite sure IF thats the case in 1440p and if this was v case for most of games i think it woukd bé great trademark. I dont know i woukd bé cool IF we hit something Like 5950x3d he hehehehhe that woukd bé extremly expensive cuz in my country the 5800x3d cost more than new 7800x3d i dont know dont ask mé how. I dont know what to do cuz i woukd Like to upgrade cuz Last tíme Like 2 weeks ago i buy this new rx 7900gre and this was great purchase offcourse first model of gpu was faulty and broken but that can happend sooo they send me new one, im using gigabyte rx 7900gre gaming oc 16gb. It is really nice gpu powerfull enough and i dont ever overclocked gpu cuz háve soo mutch more power than Rtx 3070 and Rtx 4070super its crazy.