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General Discussions

Intel again caught using misleading benchmarks vs AMD in partner slides

I'll post a few here, but needless to say they're not really worth the bits they're composed of. But AMD did about the same thing before Lisa Su arrived, remember their "Fast enough" spheal?

I'll post a couple here, but needless to say they're not really worth the bits they're composed of. But AMD did about the same thing before Lisa Su arrived, remember their "Fast enough" argument? Still, they are right about mobile performance for the same overall price being superior on Intel machines than AMD, though we know it's likely from Intel giving the CPU away.

1 Reply

All I know is my X570 with the R5 3600 and G,Skill Flare X all work as team to deliver excellent responsive performance.

Intel i9 processors are OK but AMD socket longevity is of some merit