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General Discussions

Journeyman III

I swear i'm going to move over to nvidia

Every time I go to record or save an instant replay I get green screens, for example. Earlier it was working fine, no issues in the video. An hour later it decides to become a green screen, The only solution to this is by updating graphics drivers which I don't need to. I don't understand why it works one day, and the other day not. No settings have been changed, and it's p****** me off. 

Always press my binds to record, save the replay to capture a funny moment or some top-notch kills but no, I get f***** with a green screen. Also, my mic gets all crackly too, nothing wrong with it in other programmes, OBS fine, Audacity Fine. 

This issue is either

A - My graphics card

B - the Relive Programme. 

3 Replies
Journeyman III

Sick, happened again after updating drivers - worked completely fine for my first recording, rest are green screens. 


What are your system specs?

Have you tried uninstalling the drivers using DDU in Safe Mode then reinstalling the latest (not the beta version) from  Make sure the chipset driver is also installed.


have the same issue, the thing is, it didnt happen with drivers 17.2.x. and less. Ever since i updated from 17.2. relived is f****d (pardon the vocabulery).Installed lates drivers on friday 2.8.2019, relive worked just fine, didnt turn off the computer whole weekend and on monday 5.8.2019 relive records green screen. When i reinstall drivers, it will work again, but only temporarely.