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Adept II

How high x570 chipset consider safe ?

I have Asus tuf x570 motherboard and the chipset temp in idle is 74c and in load 90 c is that safe ?

24 Replies
Adept II

i dont know about this type of motherboard, but if the chipset is 76 on low usage, then theres something wrong with your mobo, try cleaning it and repaste it ? i guess 

I did that same problem


What's the ambient / room temp at when taking the MB temps..? They can / do run rather warm but 90C odd is getting rather high...¿ 

Admitially different model, but I have the Asus Prime X570 ATX and it sits around the mid to high 70's in summer (32C - 36C) room temp.

Currently winter where I am, room temp is about 16.5C & chipset is currently idling at 56.3C.

Make sure the chipset fan is definately running and that no cables etc are covering the chipset fan area.  Almost sounds like the fan isn't kicking in or ramping up as it gets hotter? My Asus board the chipset fan doesn't kick in until the temp gets to low 60's and haven't noticed it get past 80c

Snapshot of my idle temps. Room is around 17C

Chipset Temp.png


Still not hot for summer here it is like 20c inside. The chipset fan run at 3000 ~ 4000 according to the hwinfo . I tried change thermal paste and thermal pad and moved GPU to second slot nothing worked. I am currently dropped 140mm fan leaning on the gpu and on load it reach 84c instead of 91c.



Seems a bit high to me… What CPU, GPU & power supply are you using..?

Does your MB have RPG light where the chipset fan is..? Mine has minimal RPG on the board but the bit it does have is under the chipset heat sink.. I noticed the temp ran a little hotter when they were enabled, but only 3 to maybe max 5c.

could we worth checking and reseating all the MB power connectors and from the PSU if it’s a modular one.

Also what temperatures are the other sensors CPU, GPU, MB etc. reading?

Yes there is RGB under the chipset, can it be disabled from the bios ?

Other temps are fine picture (idle)




Yeah fairly sure Asus BIOS settings should be very similar. Under Advanced, Onboard Devices, then LED Lighting & When system is in working state.20773357-06BC-4CBB-AD28-D56407A0871A.jpeg FFEE7080-106E-4AB9-A37D-44533D93A48D.jpeg

81c now 


I found it in bios called aura and I turned it off but temp now 79.5 c !!!


under BIOS, AI Tweak, Performance Enhancer. Change to default if it’s on auto.

I have a very similar CPU. 3700X & I have my memory running in XMP profile @ 3600MHz..

I say something isn’t 100% it shouldn’t be getting that warm.

temp higher with default than auto


End up having any luck getting the chipset tempertures down..?

You don't have a video card or similar possibily blocking the chipset fan..?

Also there was a new AMD Chipset driver released a little while ago.

I'd be contacting either ASUS or where you brought it to see if you can have it checked / replaced.

Thanks ScotchFury 

Somehow I missed that chipset update although I follow hardware tech news every day. The driver has effect of avg 6c lower. First let me tell you the measures I made to prevent the temps to go crazy high 90+ c

- I opened the case side door

- I stick 140mm fan now next to the chipset cooler

- I changed the chipset thermal pad

- I took of the chipset cooler plastic cover (people say now it wont direct to fins but temps are higher when it is installed) 

all this prevent to go beyond 86c in gaming but now after new driver I get ~ 78c in gaming and 72 idle so that good still not like others reporting 50 or 60c but better than RMA.

Asus sent me 50 lines email to descript the conditions of returning the board but of course I would return it to amazon it is much easier unless it is international order but Amazon are great and offer return shipping fees !! only deduct $38 for restock anyway I wont return it now because motherboard and all electronics went higher so I would pay 3000 EGP more to buy a new decent x570 motherboard.

Thanks friend for your help I appreciate it.

No worries..

Maybe another future driver update or motherboard BIOS update might help bring it down a little more.

I'd still think it's worth checking with ASUS support about it just to see what they say.. Get lucky they might offer to swap it or even repair, etc.

unfortunately after some time now temps back high 83c now in idle !!


Is the Heat sink & fan definitely mounted and making contact correctly? No GPU, NVMe or RAM sticks possible blocking air? All other sensors are showing low temps compared with similar CPUs..? 

What's located on the MB tray under it? Is there a SSD mounted there..? Bunch of cables passing near it..? Could be adding or trapping heat..?20210615_055444.jpg


If so then either the Heat sink / fan isn't mounted correctly or defect in some way to not make proper contact or possibly slightly faulty MB.


I installed the chipset heatsink several time and tried different thermal solutions the result was the same. I also opened now the  rear side door temp is the same but thanks for the idea. I will go with that the mb seems defect because on reddit people reported return for the same problem for tuf x570 however I will keep use it because prices now are much higher for new mb

If it stopped working I will then return it. Thanks friend for the ideas and your care. 


No worries. Good luck with it. How are all the other temp sensors & voltage measurements..? Nothing else reading hot / warm or high or low Voltage?


all other sensors are normal thanks


72C is still awful high for idle temps.  I have an MSI MPG X570 Gaming Plus with a Ryzen 5 5600 idle temps at 32C.

Ryzen master 5600 .png

If it ain't broke; don't fix it!
Journeyman III

After some looking around on the web, I learn that the X570 chip can generate more heat than some might expect.  Reportedly it can burn 15 watts or so.  My motherboard (a rather nice AsRock Rack server board) has a n IPMI that makes it fairly easy for me to watch all the temperatures.  The (passive) heat sink on the X570 was not keeping the X570 chip temp. from climbing steadily up through 80C with just the (tower) case fans.  I added another small fan pointed directly at the heat sink on the X570 chip and now the temp. stays down between 40-50 C.  It seems that chip might _almost_ deserve a heat sink with an attached fan.  Anyway, making sure there's good airflow over the X570 heat sink seems to be the key requirement for good thermal management.

Journeyman III

The chipset has its own substrate separate to the board and can take max temp 102/105 before throttling.

Journeyman III

I had the same problem.Simple fix is to turn your gpu fans on to  i50% to 60% and you will see a big drop in temp. across all your hardware.It really works


By any chance do you have NVme's and if you do what gen are they?  just asking because gen4 can make it run hotter, specially the ones that read 5000+, not only the nvme itself but also the chipset if it's controlled by it, so might be worth a look at that.