cheers to all,
i need some advice.I encounter some troubleshoting with my program OBS Studio.In fact i have one dilemma.When i started OBS after config., i see only one screen with: preview and program.Some other guys have many display on their OBS.Why?How can i have multiscreen when i start OBS Studio?
I m noob in terms of stream,i am at begining of the road, and i want to learn all think about OBS Studio.I have streamlabs too configured,but i think OBS is the best.I want to use OBS
How about you supply the 'Info required....',did you go blind when you signed up ?
Why don't you ask at a OBS Forum or open a OBS Support ticket to learn how to use OBS.
i learned alone, and i configured perfectly alone without any help.Today i make some research and the problem was from win 11.I installed win 10 and now all is ok
Hey @hunter- it looks like your OBS view is set up to a specific one that uses the preview and live program. Which can be helpful in certain situations.
I see you fixed it.
One thing I would recommend is downloading Stream Elements Live - it is great to have on your OBS because you can see your chat and stuff from your OBS window.
i create separate chat for youtube streaming and drag to OBS Studio,i hope is work too.But only thing is bothering me is always present in that corner.I want to see text only when people typing....
I must research one thing.Don t know yet how people have at the same time twich tv and youtube when they streaming.And when they streaming on youtube they are automatically conected to twich tv and folowers from twich they can see youtube streaming and vice-versa...