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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Giving GPU solutions to AMD

Hey so I have been looking for an GPU upgrade and as we all know, getting anything from the direct shop is next to impossible, for non-bots, so I think we as the red team could try to find viable solutions to this problem. (All I want for christmas is you @RX6800TX)

I was hoping by doing this, far fetched as it may be, that AMD might give us all a listen and maybe even adopt a solution or parts of different solutions.

Worst case, we have some fun solving problems.

So the problm as I see it, is that bots and scripts gets to the current system and gets all the GPUs before slow humans. 

A fix could be to implement a one GPU per Credit Card system, one per adress or something like it based on a personal thing, could even be one per verified AMD account.

1 Reply

AMD Store already has those type of policies in effect when they are short in supplies.

Depending on the GPU or CPU, AMD Store might restrict one GPU or CPU per Address or Customer which includes all types of payments since the payment accounts most have a Address on them to be valid.

If a 2 or more Customers uses the same address their order will be automatically cancelled by AMD Store.