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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Fortnite performance mode issues

I have a 6800XT paired with a I7-12700k. I struggle to keep even 200 fps on a 240 hz monitor on performance mode, everyting low, plus stretched res. None of my hardware has been overclocked or anything but I did undervolt my CPU in hopes of more performance, but it didnt help. When switching to DX12 however, I get a stable 240+ frames in game but it just dosen't match with the visuals i want(competitvely) in fortnite. Is this a fortnite issue or just bad drivers? Is there a fix?

2 Replies
Journeyman III

there was a way to force dx12 in performance mode but i dont know how to do this anymore


Journeyman III

I Have the exactly same issues, my frames on performance mode Are crap And on dx12 Its littlebit better, but i want to play perf mode. I Have done like thousands od optimatizations.