Hello AMD team,
I have purchased on Friday 13 this month an Asrock 5700XT Challenger D OC graphics card. The card I believe to be RMA, and I want to return it. I tested the card right out the box with a fresh DDU (driver cleanup) using FurMark and it seemed to be fine. I activated one of the Game Bundle codes for Godfall and started the game.
Many artifacts were on screen and the game crashed immediately. After that, I tested with PUBG, Warzone, and other steam games. Same problem. Randomly I would see strange flickering lights on the screen or strange cubes in different colors and the games would all crash. I then tested the card with Heaven Benchmark 4.0 and the benchmark would not finish. It would have heavy lag and artists onscreen resulting in a crash and sometimes artifacts would appear on my desktop screen forcing me to reboot.
The only thing that would improve slightly the problem was underclock using AMD software or MSI Afterburner. It does not make the problem go away, it just works for maybe 10 -30 minutes. If I game for 1 more it will still crash, as soon as the first artifacts appear on the screen. Since it was only one day since I received the card, I wanted to return it. And get a refund. Of course, I am not blaming AMD for this.
These things happen. I was not allowed to get a refund, under the pretext that I have already used the Game Bundle. Absurd. I did not purchase the Bundle, I purchased the card. You guys give the games for free if we buy an AMD product. I also referred to the warranty and refund policy from PC Garage (the place where I purchased it).
Nowhere does it specify that I can't get a refund. Unfortunately, the customer support from PC Garage insists that they will not refund me for the card. Bellow, you have their return policy where it does not mention anything about a Bungle etc. The graphics card is in perfect condition s I toked out of the box and used it for a few hours. : https://www.pcgarage.ro/info/returnare-si-garantii/politica-de-returnare/ I have also attached a screen from the customer support that translates to: " Please be informed that for the return, the AMD Raise the Game Radeon Bundle bonus must not be activated!" The way I see it this is illegal. I purchased the graphics card from them and you guys are the ones who give the free game codes as a gift. If AMD can not directly intervene in this case please at least take note. PC Garage is one of the biggest AMD resellers in Romania. You should know exactly how they treat their customers.
Hopefully, you will be able to reach out to them in helping me with this situation. You have my details in the account if you need further details from me. I have all the documentation to prove the purchase.
The ECC Romania concerns cross border purchases but the website directed me to the Local Romanian Consumer Agency where you can create a complaint against PC Garage or find out if PC Garage is within its Rights to refuse your Refund: https://anpc.ro/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=28&Itemid=60
Unfortunately this website doesn't have an British English translation like the ECC Romanian website. So you need to see you can contact this Romanian Consumer Agency for information regarding PC Garage Refund policy.
They are breaking the law.
All electronics sold in EU countries must be fit for purpose.
They have to either replace or refund defective products.
Here are your EU Consumer Rights: https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/dealing-with-customers/consumer-contracts-guarantees/consumer-...
Seems like you may need to first let PC Garage repair or replace your GPU card before they can decide if you will get a full refund.
Also PC Garage may deduct the cost of the game from your Refund if you activated it and downloaded it already. The games are not really free.
I've long been jealous of how much better the consumer protection laws are in Europe vs here in the USA. Some states especially California have some pretty good laws. In Missouri, nada. No protection for the most part. You are on your own to sue a company for not living up to a warranty or claim.
Retailers also are not even required to offer return periods or refunds. However most reputable ones do. But the second you go past the return date you are on your own and pretty much no manufacturer stands behind there stuff anymore like the old days.