Try disabling half the processor's cores in Ryzen Master (temporary for troubleshooting purposes) and see if those programs continue to crash. Some programs are not compatible in a processor running 32 cores.
EDIT: Took a look at your image zip file. The only one I felt that was important was the BSOD error for "Memory Management".
First is your RAM MEMORY listed for your Motherboard QVL List for ThreadRipper processors:
Downloaded the RAM MEMORY QVL List for your motherboard from Gigabyte Support and there are no RAM (Corsair 3000 Mhz) listed that ends with C16 nor 1D in the part number. You will need to go to Corsair Website and find out if your RAM is compatible with your motherboard and Processor.
I have attached the RAM QVL List to this post since I needed to download it to look at it, if you are interested.
It could be your RAM MEMORY is not completely compatible with your motherboard and processor besides running 32 cores at the same time.
Try running, for troubleshooting purposes, before disabling half your processor cores with just One Stick of RAM MEMORY and see if your programs work or not.