Anyone knows AMD customer service number for their Direct Online shop ? I ordered a 5900X cpu on May 6th , and now it's May 8th and my order status still says " Order is in Process". Im trying to find their Customer service number to call but I don't see anywhere? any help would be appreciated.
AMD Store has no direct AMD Customer Service number.
If you are seeing "Order in Process" it probably means that they are out-of-stock or waiting to get more GPUs to ship out.
Here is AMD Store FAQ:
The cpu was in stock that's how I got to order it, otherwise it would say Out of Stock and won't let you make an order.
And Im not ordering a GPU, I ordered a 5900X CPU. It was In stock during the drop on May 6th which was Thursday morning.
Edit: double post.
You have nothing to worry about. It's normal for them to ship the week after. When I ordered my CPU on a Thursday it shipped the Monday or Tuesday after. Their weekly stock gets sold within a few seconds, it's expected that it might take a few days for them to ship it all.
Oh ok , now I feel better. Because I actually thought even thoug my order went through, but maybe they ran out of the stocks for 5900X. But yea hopefully they'll ship it out on Monday.
No customers service? That's something I wish I knew before I ordered.
For smaller companies I always check before, but I thought billion dollar company like AMD for sure takes care of things like that.
I would like to ask why they have charged my credit card but I have got no tracking number. Status of the order has never changed (still in process for sixth day).
How long did it take for you to get your CPU?