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Journeyman III

Amd computer games randomly crash

Need some help, I didn't build my pc and I have to get all the specs and post them here shortly. But I got the pc around 2018. All of a sudden games will randomly crash especially high end games. Skyrim crashed about 30 mins in. Beam ng drives crashes 10 mins in to 5 or 3 mins in. For most games no error code is given just quickly ends the game. I also got bsod a couple times just normally on the windows screen while opening a folder. I since then cleared the event viewer and stuff related to it because im trying to pin point the problem without clutter. I uninstalled drivers and reinstalled them via the amd application and that took away the bsod. But my games are still crashing. I have done stress tests and nothing goes wrong. I even do photo upscale programs that are heavy on the cpu and gpu and it doesn't crash. I have not uninstalled the ram drivers because I have no idea how to reinstall them. Not sure what to do at this point. Any ideas? I know a ton of people have this problem and its different for everyone.

2 Replies

As soon as  you can, post your PC specs with make/model of everything including your power supply

I'm not sure what you mean by "ram drivers" .. closest thing I can think of is your motherboards BIOS and/or chipset drivers. Need to know what you are running and how it's configured before any recommendations can be given

ThreeDee PC specs
Adept II

A lot of issues can happen when you have neglected cleaning dust from fins on the cpu, gpu. If you haven't cleaned lately give the system a good going over. Heat is your number one enemy in any pc. Be sure you have enough air pushing into the case and that your fans are performing when you jump into a game. Are they speeding up? Check the power supply. 

I just cleaned one of my pc's that's about the same age as yours and could not believe how much dust was buried in the fins but still ran perfectly fine.

AsRock Taichi Carrara, AMD Ryzen 9 7900X, M.2 MP600 Pro LPX, G.Skill 64GB, Creative SB ZXR, Windows 11