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AMD and VM virtual machines and Virtual universes

So when a webhost creates a VM or virtual machine so their one server can install like 4 different OS such as windows and different mail server linux and a different linux distro for their shopping cart softwares for example or templates web server and a different windows and linux hosting for their customers to choose or just for a alternative "admin/control panel" environment like Cpanel vs parallels. many webhosts would advertise falsely claiming like each customer has their own VM which if they use virtual disk/drive technology or similar stuff for the plans is technically not emulating different hardware requirements or software/hardware environment.

With AMD the zen core all the maths in the universe can emulate atoms nucleus and protons and neutrons though i dont know how fully you have VALENCY (read gravity) and other cool features the maths involved can all scale infinitely so infinite planets infinite true light and infinity light rays and all real types of radiation like sound and visual. Every RADEON card says TRUEAUDIO (AMDTRUEAUDIONEXT) Audio(light/sound) or radiation like uhh those optical cables for headphone amps or sound systems or a CD ROM in computing is referred to as QUANTUM COMPUTING so true digital cameras with real sensors and expensive laser projectors/TVs and audio output and OPTICAL INTERNET/NETWORKING like those 8TeraBits or whatever swedish internet not gonna lie its probably 80's cheap analog optical like the CDROM or headphones optical cables tech from AMD same stuff like 60s AMD patents that are now open source patent free no copyright so intel and nvidia keep pretending to have done something and making up ridiculous dumb words and names for things. So what that means is not just gamma rays sigmarays or any radiation you can greek alphabet type in and light particles and sound particles.. its a hardware function so you copy the file in and the hardware "just works" assuming its in the right format and right maths you save 96%+ CPU and other resources usage and its lower latency works faster and looks better just with say the playstation 3's light cell processor and its radeon was it an RX280GPU?

So you can do a universe with each type of the infinitely small microphysics and the biggest stars and black holes whatever else im assuming on maybe a single zen core and that universe can have any and every computer in the universe within it and run that computer and that computer can run those games or apps so EVERY computer in the universe at once. But a threadripper wont just be any computer mathematically and freely sync with any device because its mathematically faster than reality.. A threadripper can run any computers code from anywhere and do it WAY faster! alien scifi gaming thingy, did it better faster! and with multicore you could say have an avengers universe and a spiderman universe and a batman universe.. is how it might go. You can run them next to each other and a threadripper could maybe have them interacting in cool ways like a comic volume issues and then be like a story arc of volumes and then theres the sorta multiverse EPYC which lets you have DC batman and supermans and marvel in the MULTIVERSE..

But i've no clue how to better universeemulate like sure you can hybridzenrealityemulation or infinitydimensionalemulation .. and universeemulation .. but the softwares for fake not maths not computers from not businesses not companies like intel/nvidia. their code is all fake binary stuff thats supposed to be 64bit for 64bit computers not 0/1 2 binary things. They just plug more binary everywhere..

I dont get how people dont understand what the word universe and 1:1 and RNA DNA RDNA hardware means and how that applies to a camera being mathematically reproduced by a MATHEMATICIAN.

I think the words to tell the display driver and the more modern OS and code that allows for multicore stuff might need to be more virtual reality and more virtual machine like. But im not saying you should be forcing reality to be a computer or make the universe INTO a computer.. that'd be.. dumb. Does anybody have a clue how to use a real computer? i'd been visibly seeing what i could do after typing in terms names and words and values or 'equations' nonsense into a text file renamed config.ini which appears to be something to do with the pagefile and swap file nonsense and im aware that its how all OS in the universe work and all apps and games work because it checks the drivers and developer console terms in there for settings like resolution or forced resolution BEFORE the app launches and might be told to use certain drivers or whatever so its for BIOS/bootloader/entire OS and documents and apps and games and things.

What do you guys use and do to actually use your true maths true computer? not the fake ones.. the real code with the real hardware from AMD?

Im also suspicious the same way intels sabotage of NVME drives making them RIDICULOUSLY awful latency when compared to SATA or DDR5 RAM latency and timings like CAS55 or 46 vs DDR3's 1600mhz CAS1 or CAS4 when all AMD RAM CAS should be 0 or less and intels FAKE xmp profiles See free version of typhoon burner apps RAM SPD database and 'fast write' modes and other things for more like what defaults expected of a manufacturer they recommend or paid version to custom make your own XMPs with lowest latency possible. I suspect that with virtualizations and webhosts the RAM latency spikes up so that criminals can run nvidia youtubers or whatever gaming off your AMD system with some sorta hidden VMs and stuff the same way your USB and SSD drives advertise puny specs like 256GB or 64GB but a spinning old disc drive is way larger file sizes storage like 10TB. Also with VM's and webhosts mounting virtual disks or dynamic drives the file system and formatting may be uhh lets say custom or the server logs maybe not show it or its 'removed' as a external devices and not part of server logs or cant be 'visible' to users or tracked. Like lets defend a web server hosting company like imagine hackers just fake IP's and traffic and hack their accounts or steal user log in info and upload a bunch of stuff and blame the webhosts somehow. The webhost might only log the users with login details and not record a bunch of info so any accusations go against the account owner. Which somehow looks way more criminal. So imagine your AMD DDR5 having a bunch of invisible Pentium 3 webservers on it running the same binary nvidia intel nonsense garbage fake code like C++ which was obsolete BEFORE the 60's and it was pretended in the 70's as a release to placate people demanding real code.. windows 95 and 98 only used that junk for like the system clock. But the thought of CAS1 DDR3 systems being emulated in the dozens on a DDR 4 or DDR 5 system and it still gaming infinitely better on nvidia fake binary barfs is.. super possible no matter how much turn 10 studios pretends the 0.0001 lows and 1.0's ultras of binary quality nvidia barf is a 10.0 for say the upcoming forza motorsport 8.. i feel super deeply uncomfortable what cosmic level retard **bleep**s microsoft are for making it all possible by you know the whole latency thing like its normal for a company that makes software for computer hardware to expect latency. I saw zero discussion on reddit so im reposting it here.

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